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            (Clitoria Ternatea)- Natural Blue Clitoria Flower Herb

We introduce this Ayurvedic item as follows

An indigenous (Introduced ? >>) slender vine found along roadsides and scrub lands in the dry low lands while cultivated in home gardens of the moist regions. Flowering throughout the year and sometimes white forms and much longer flowers occurs in cultivation..

This item is 100% Ayurvedic from natural medicinal plants of Sri Lanka...

A good-looking perennial twining herb with terete stems and branches, leaves compound, imparipinnate, leaflets 5-7, sub-coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, obtuse; flowers blue or white, solitary, axillary or in fascicles, corolla papilionaceous; fruits nearly straight, flattened pods, sharply beaked; seeds 6-10, smooth, yellowish brown...

Vernacular Name: Sinhala: Nil katarolu; Eng: Clitoria, Butterfly-Pea, Conchflower,
Propagation: By seeds.
Parts Used: Roots, leaves, seeds...

Katarolu flower can be called as a very useful natural colourant for religious activities, medicinal activities as well as food colouring. In the past, bitter gourd flowers have also been used as an insect repellent in agriculture. Due to a special protein in those flowers, the ability to repel insects has been naturally acquired. At present, in gardening, saffron is considered a beautiful flower and saffron is a soil-fertilising plant. It can be assumed that many people are not aware of the medicinal properties of this plant and how it can be used....

Properties of bluegills 

 As written in the original texts of Ayurveda..

 To kill diseases like blood diseases, air diseases, inflammation, swelling of the body..

 Katarolu flower is known to heal various wounds and rashes in the body quickly and as a cleansing agent that cleans the wounds..

 Katarolu is also known in the past as a medicine to preserve youth..

 To regulate human blood sugar levels..

 To increase the antioxidant capacity of the body..

 Gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis..

 Acting against parasites entering the body..

 Preventing the growth of cancer cells..

Blueberry Drink : 

 Materials Required :-

 5 picked bluebells (per person)

 A teaspoon of sugar

 A pinch of salt

 A little lime

 Put blue saffron flowers in a glass of boiling water, mix and let it boil for about five to ten minutes. You can see it is blue. Strain the boiled water of Nil Katarolu flowers and add sugar, salt and lime to it and mix it...

Blue gram porridge : 

 Materials Required :-

 1/2 cup blueberry juice

 A cup of raw rice

 A cup of milk

 4 cups of milk

 4-5 cloves of garlic

 3 chopped red onions

 A pinch of salt

 Boil the washed rice in water. After the rice is boiled, add white onion and red onion to it and let it boil again for a while. Mash the rice with a coconut spoon, add milk and blueberry juice and add salt to taste. When the milk boils, remove it from the heat…


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