Ground Orchid Spathoglottis Plicata Purple Live Plant Queen Cutting Roots New 

Spathoglottis orchids are commonly known as ground orchids because of the habit of many orchids to grow on the ground rather than on trees. Compared to other types of orchids Spathoglottis is easy to care for because their soil and drainage requirements are significantly different. Although they like good drainage they can tolerate mostly wet soil. Can be brought indoors in cold weather. This species is known for its abundant flowering with large colorful long lasting flowers. They are widely hybridized to promote their excellent flowering.

They prefer full sun to light shade Grows well in most shade house conditions. They should receive direct sunlight for at least part of the day.

Of water
Water thoroughly when the soil is about 2-3 inches dry stopping when water begins to drain from the drainage holes. Avoid overwatering as ground orchid roots can rot quickly. The more light and heat your plant receives the more water it will need so check the soil every few days for dryness. It is not necessary to water often in the winter when the plants are not actively growing.

Being tropical in nature they enjoy temperatures between 20 - 32 degrees Celsius best.

Ground orchids thrive on humidity if your humidity level is below 50% consider using a humidifier to raise the level to at least 60%. Adding indoor plants together in small trays filled with pebbles and water can slightly increase the humidity around your plants.

Spathoglottis orchid growth should be given 4 times a month with 3 ml of water and a high nitrogen fertilizer such as Spathoglottis orchid and Basfoliar 13-40-13 fertilizer at 3g/L per month for flowering.

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