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Algernon Blackwood Lot of 22 Sci-Fi Horror Supernatural Audiobooks in 22 MP3 CDs

Algernon Blackwood
 (1869 - 1951)

Algernon Henry Blackwood, CBE  was an English broadcasting narrator, journalist, novelist and short story writer, and among the most prolific ghost story writers in the history of the genre. The literary critic S. T. Joshi stated, "His work is more consistently meritorious than any weird writer's except Dunsany's." and that his short story collection Incredible Adventures (1914) "may be the premier weird collection of this or any other century".

Ten Minute Stories
Read by Ben Tucker
Running Time:06:12:03 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Noted author of weird fiction Algernon Blackwood brings us a collection of shorter stories than some of his more well-known tales of terror. These stories illustrate the true breath of Blackwood's talent beyond just that of a purveyor of the supernatural. In addition to strange occurrences, mysterious phenomena, bizarre dreams and tales of the just plain weird contained herein, we also see a more jovial and comedic side of Blackwood as he pokes good-natured fun at the foibles of social manner in upper class society. We also see Blackwood's poetic prose in service of illustrating his love of nature in stories such as "Wind" and "Pines". This collection captures a master stretching his wings and showing the extent of his talent beyond what he was popularly known for.

Day And Night Stories
Read by David Wales
Running Time:08:25:27 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Fifteen short stories by Algernon Henry Blackwood, CBE (1869 – 1951), an English short story writer and novelist, one of the most prolific writers of ghost stories in the history of the genre. He was also a journalist and a broadcasting narrator. S. T. Joshi has stated that "his work is more consistently meritorious than any weird writer's except Dunsany's…"

Episodes Before Thirty
Read by Michele Fry; William Allan Jones; Kerry Adams; Mbm0rxi; Christine Rottger; Rita Boutros; Paul Vida; Dan Gurzynski and Ben Tucker
Running Time:12:02:05 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Blackwood wrote this autobiography in his fifties, describing his first thirty years as an almost penniless British adventurer in Canada and New York, trying his hand at all sorts of investments, getting swindled again and again, sleeping on park benches, living in the woods, and sharing a one room tenement with friends who betrayed him and others who helped him through sickness and injury, reporting on aberrant personalities he met, their strange circumstances, and witnessing the criminal workings of Tammany Hall during his stint as a reporter for the Sun. His sanity was saved by his love of nature and writing as a therapeutic pastime, until he finally returned to England, where he began submitting his stories and made a name for himself as "one of the most prolific ghost story writers in the history of the genre" (from Wikipedia). This is a fascinating and precarious "coming of age" story. 

Four Weird Tales
Running Time:06:09:83 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Tales by one the greatest practitioners of supernatural literature. Reincarnation, the Occult, and mystery. 
Four stories: 
The Insanity of Jones Read by  Arie
The Man Who Found Out Read by Mike Pelton
The Glamour of the Snow Read by Mike Pelton
Sand Read by Arie

Read by Adrian Praetzellis
Running Time:5:52:13 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Fantasy novel about the mystical adventures of a lonely English boy, Jimbo. It’s really quite beautiful and can be enjoyed by both older kids and adults, though parts may be too scary for younger children

John Silence
Read by Alan Winterrowd; Drakaunus; Elanor Sakamoto; and Kevin W. Davidson
Running Time:11:28:29 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Six stories about Dr. John Silence if you want the shivers to run up your back, this is the right place to be. 

The Bright Messenger
Read by Mark Nelson
Running Time:14:50:55 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Julian LeVallon, born and raised alone in the Jura Mountains, is referred to psychiatrist Dr. Edward Fillery for care in London. But is LeVallon merely a schizophrenic with a secondary personality, "N.H." (non-human), or is he really an Elemental Being, a "bright messenger" who brings, perhaps, a new age of human evolution? And if so, is the human race ready for a major step forward?

The Camp of the Dog
Read by Charlie Blakemore
Running Time:2:52:33 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A party of campers on a deserted Baltic island is terrorized by a huge wolf... or is it?

The Centaur
Read by Yoganandh T
Running Time:08:56:34 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The Centaur deals with the concept of higher order of consciousness - earth consciousness and that all other living beings are emanations of this supreme consciousness through the protagonist O'Malley, Dr Stahl and the narrator. It is at once subtle and powerful in laying bare the paranormal - or is it the abnormal?

The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories
Read by ChadH94; Lynne T; Ian Virly; Chris Pyle; Danni Williams; KHand;
 Realisticspeakers; William Mosqueda; Kate Follis; Elsie Selwyn
Running Time:07:01:36 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
An anthology of short, chilling stories from Algernon Blackwood. They will make you start at noises in the night and wonder about your neighbors. These stories likely stem from Blackwood's investigations into haunted houses for the Psychical Research Society and reflect his fascination with the weird, occult and supernatural.

The Human Chord
Read by Katina Papadakis; Andrew Gaunce; Gary J. Conover; Guomin Do;
 NoelVox; Anautumnous; Novella Serena; DH; Jamison Kester; EJ How
Running Time:06:38:45 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The following sets the tone for this work of weird fiction: "Numbers of strange people advertised in the newspapers, he knew, just as numbers of strange people wrote letters to them; and Spinny—so he was called by those who loved him—was a diligent student of the columns known as "Agony" and "Help wanted." Whereupon it came about that he was aged twenty-eight, and out of a job, when the threads of the following occurrence wove into the pattern of his life, and "led to something" of a kind that may well be cause for question and amazement. The advertisement that formed the bait read as follows:— "WANTED, by Retired Clergyman, Secretarial Assistant with courage and imagination. Tenor voice and some knowledge of Hebrew essential; single; unworldly. Apply Philip Skale,"—and the address."

The Listener and Other Stories
Read by Ben Tucker
Running Time:08:51:39 in1 MP3 Audio CD
Algernon Blackwood, noted maestro of weird fiction, in his second collection of stories gives us some of his best and most well-known tales of the strange and macabre. From the unsettling haunted house story "The Listener" to the chilling true crime story "Max Hensig: Bacteriologist and Murderer", from the otherworldly tale of reincarnation "The Insanity of Jones" to one of the single most influential and eerie stories in all weird literature "The Willows", this collection shows Blackwood's masterful grasp of tension and atmosphere, further cementing his place among the greats of horror fiction. 

The Lost Valley
Read by J Wowsers
Running Time:02:10:44  in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A set of twin brothers have spent every waking moment of their lives together and are terrified of separating. However, when both men set their desires upon a mysterious young woman, the deep bonds of their relationship become marred.

The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare)
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:00:45:41  in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A researcher goes on an expedition to find "The Tablets of the Gods" which have plagued his dreams since his boyhood. He finds them, and the horrible truth of humanity's true purpose in the universe. This story, The Man Who Found Out" is an example to me of pure cosmic horror in that the horror comes totally from knowledge which is (in-story) so terrible that it forever blights the minds of anyone who discovers it. Two highly intelligent and well informed men, Professor Ebor and then Dr. Laidlaw, learn the contents of the Tablets of the Gods, and even though this information is short enough to be on two ordinary-sized tablets, it is enough to induce absolute belief in its veracity and utterly destroy hope in the reader. Yeah, that is pretty scary. There are no monsters in the tale, nothing but Forbidden Knowledge -- which, apparently, is Forbidden with good reason.

The Man Whom the Trees Loved
Read by Amy Gramour
Running Time:2:30:08 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The story of a man’s deep connection with nature and his wife’s fear of it.

The Regeneration of Lord Ernie
Read by Patrick 79
Running Time:03:42:19 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
"The Regeneration of Lord Ernie is a story about a young man with no passion for life, he was very capable and the heir to a large family fortune but just not interested in life. His father employs a teacher, John Hendricks, to take him on a world tour and try to inspire him. In the final stage of the tour in desperation he takes him to the Jura mountains, where he went as a young man, to visit a pastor he stayed with. During the stay they get involved with pagan worship that involves the transforming power of wind and fire, up in the mountains.
Algernon Blackwood manages to evoke the atmosphere and tensions that carry Lord Ernie through transformation to lead a new life. But like a shooting stars he burns bright but ..

The Wendigo
Read by Amy Gramour
Running Time:1:59:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Another camper tale, this time set in the Canadian wilderness. A hunting party separates to track moose, and one member is abducted by the Wendigo of legend. Robert Aickman regarded this as "one of the (possibly) six great masterpieces in the field". 

The Willows
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:02:20:13 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
"The Willows" is one of Algernon Blackwood's best known creepy stories. American horror author H.P. Lovecraft considered it to be the finest supernatural tale in English literature. He wrote in his treatise "Supernatural Horror in Literature", "Here art and restraint in narrative reach their very highest development, and an impression of lasting poignancy is produced without a single strained passage or a single false note." "The Willows" is an example of early modern horror and is connected within the literary tradition of weird fiction.

The Wolves of God and Other Fey Stories
Read by Ben Tucker
Running Time:11:00:06 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Renowned author of weird fiction Algernon Blackwood, in collaboration with unknown author Wilfred Wilson, brings us a magical, sinster and ethereal collection of stories of pagan sacrifice, reincarnation, beastly vengeance and other bizarre scenarios that one often comes across when waltzing through the macabre.

Three More John Silence Stories
Running Time:03:06:20 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

A trio of supernatural stories by famed author Algernon Blackwood.
Secret Worship Parts 1&2 Read by Eduardo Lactaoen
The Camp of the Dog Parts 1&2 Read by Eduardo Lactaoen
A Victim of Higher Space Read by Alan Lord

Incredible Adventures
Read by Ben Tucker
Running Time:10:31:30 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
"In the volume titled Incredible Adventures occur some of the finest tales which the author has yet produced, leading the fancy to wild rites on nocturnal hills, to secret and terrible aspects lurking behind stolid scenes, and to unimaginable vaults of mystery below the sands and pyramids of Egypt; all with a serious finesse and delicacy that convince where a cruder or lighter treatment would merely amuse. Some of these accounts are hardly stories at all, but rather studies in elusive impressions and half-remembered snatches of dream. Plot is everywhere negligible, and atmosphere reigns untrammelled." (Summary by H. P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature)

The Education of Uncle Paul
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:08:37:03 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Published in 1909, this novel tells the story of Paul Waters, who returns to England, his family and responsibility after living in the Canadian wilderness for twenty years. When he moves in with his widowed sister Margaret and her three children, feeling awkward in adult company and little more than a boy inside, Uncle Paul tries hard to be sensible and mature. Alas, the children spot his childlike nature immediately, love him enthusiastically, and include him on their many "aventures" around the estate, taking him "through the crack" with them to other realms of awareness, and asking him to write "Aventure" stories about what they share together. The novel explores in a charming way, the themes of imagination, grief, loss, time, love, inspiration, the interconnectivity of all things psychical and material, and the search for meaning in life. Algernon brings his own life experiences as mystic, philosopher and outdoorsman into this novel, making it somewhat autobiographical.

  • Our Audiobooks are Complete and Unabridged (unless otherwise indicated)
  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
  • Please Note: These recorded readings are from the author's original works which are in the public domain. All recordings and artwork are in the public domain and there are no infringements or copyrights. Each track starts with "This is a LibriVox recording...."Although Librivox has graciously made these recordings available to the public domain, they're not associated with the sale of this product.

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.