Beeswax Absolute Oil - 100% Pure - 30ml

Botanical Name: Cera Alba 
Plant Part: Wax
Extraction Method: Food Grade Solvent

Description: Beeswax absolute oil is extracted using solvents on beeswax.

Colour: Yellow Brown

Common Uses: Beeswax is almost exclusively used in the perfumery industry, though some have found success in adding it as a rich and exotic fragrance in skin and haircare products.

Consistency: Medium

Note: Base

Strength of Aroma: Mild to Medium

Blends Well With: Beeswax Absolute is blended by perfumers almost exclusively. While all evidence indicates it blends easily, the price often inhibits experimentation.

Aromatic Description: Beeswax has a very soft and rich floral - honey aroma.

History: Beeswax absolutes exposure has been limited to the perfume industry and pioneers in the manufacturing industry.

It is important to note that all absolutes are extremely concentrated by nature. They should not be evaluated in this state unless you are accustomed to the undiluted fragrance. For those trying Absolutes for the first time, we strongly recommend they be evaluated in dilution. Otherwise, the complexity of the fragrance - particularly the rare and exotic notes - become lost.

Never use pure oils on the skin without diluting, never use internally, keep away from children and eyes, always check if there are any medical issues which could cause a problem.   Seek help if you have any doubts.

If you are looking for other oils but cannot see them in Mystic Moments Shop please email me and I am sure I will be able to supply your requirements.



Do not consume. For external use only. Keep away from children and eyes