Formula by Khabir Southwick, [Registered] Integrative Ayurveda Doctor & [herbal] Pharmacist, a clinical herbalist (27 years) at 

Allergy Tea

Works well for seasonal and pet allergies 

There is no need to suffer from allergies. Sneezing, congestion, a runny nose, and an itchy throat are all common symptoms of allergies that can make life quite uncomfortable.

Conventional treatments for allergies only provide temporary relief and can lose effectiveness over time. This tea is a natural alternative that helps to ease the symptoms of allergies by reducing the amount of histamine produced by the body in response to an allergen.

Reduces respiratory allergy and hay fever symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, itchy nose, etc.   (2 oz by weight / 11 oz by volume) 

This tea has helped hundreds of people with cats and dogs avoid allergies like itchy and watery eyes by just having ONE cup each morning. Other clients with a long history of seasonal allergies, like Ceder-fever, say they must drink a couple of cups a day until the season changes. 

"I had been suffering from severe allergies for years. I lost hope in resolving these health issues. On top of that, my allergy and sinus were getting worse due to the cold weather. When I drink the allergy tea, my allergies are almost gone!" -Naila Khan, Daly City, CA.

"With Khabir's Allergy tea, I now know how to lessen and sometimes eliminate my post-nasal drip." -Marilyn Lauer, San Francisco, CA

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Directions: Boil 8oz of water and turn off the heat. Pour in a glass with about 2 or 3 tbsp of herbs. Let steep for 10-15 mins or until cool (it will become more potent with time), strain, and drink; you can also use a reusable tea stepper or an empty tea bag.  Drink early in the day before your allergy symptoms begin for best results. 

 100% Organic ingredients:  Nettle Leaf,  Lemongrass,  Calendula Flowers, Red Clover Blossoms,  Lavender Flowers, Fennel Seeds, Stevia Leaf


This product has been successfully used for years in the clinics of Khabir Southwick aka Herbman, a Registered Herbal Pharmacist and an Ayurvedic Doctor. For advanced or complex health conditions, this tea will provide relief as indicated; however, in such cases, a [Zoom or private] appointment with Khabir is recommended. For details, visit

What makes Herb Man Teas unique and highly effective is that they have been formulated by Khabir Southwick aka Herb Man, a world-renowned herbal pharmacist who has been in private practice for almost 30 years with health clinics in the USA.  These products have been tested, refined, and used in clinical practice for decades. For details, visit:

WARNING: Anyone can put organic loose tea in a bag and make claims about it. However, knowledge of herbal pharmacology and traditional formulas is required to make a good formula. For a great formula, it requires years of feedback from patients to refine and improve the formula. Unfortunately, most products sold online are based on the "it should work" approach from online research, not experience. 

"Herb Man Teas, maybe the best herbal teas on the planet! "

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