Dason-Reis Masonic Rings 1B

Masonic Rings, Dason Reis made by Masons for Masons.

The Oval shape of the Masonic Ring demonstrates the "eternity of the circle".” This "eternal" nature represents the bond of one Freemason to another Mason and to the brotherhood of Freemasonry, in the same way that a wedding ring would show the bond of one person to another.

The Master Mason Masonic Ring; sometimes referred to as the Blue Lodge Masonic Ring will normally display the Masonic "square and compass," the universal symbols of freemasonry. The ring may also feature the letter "G" in the middle. The "G" symbolizes the word GAOTU, an acronym for "great architect of the universe". The ring will feature these symbols raised on the surface. Many Master Mason Masonic Rings will display the plumb and trowel on the sides of the shank.

The ring is also a visual sign to the world of a member's dedication to the Freemason's fraternity, as well as the authenticity of the wearer, a concept that Mason's describe as the "cable tow," that binds the Mason to Freemasonry forever.

Size: 10

Hallmark: 10 K.

Signature: Dason

Weight: 7.8 g

Condition: Very good. Symbol on top needs to be polished a bit.
