Dragging The Past Kicking and Screaming in to the Present!

Game Boy Pocket Premium Panasonic Capacitor Set

Game Boy Pocket Premium Panasonic Capacitor Set

Capacitors Specifications and Roles:

  • 330uf Panasonic Capacitor (5V Rail): Specifically chosen for the 5V rail, this capacitor stabilizes voltage, contributing to overall system reliability.
  • 100uf Panasonic Capacitor (Sound): This capacitor is dedicated to enhancing the sound circuit, ensuring crystal-clear audio during gameplay.
  • 100uf Panasonic Capacitor (Power): Improves the power circuit's efficiency, providing a steady power supply for optimal performance.
  • 33uf Panasonic Capacitor (Screen): Vital for the screen circuit, it enhances screen stability and display clarity, especially crucial for the GameBoy Pocket's compact screen.

Breathe new life into your GameBoy Pocket with our premium Panasonic Capacitor Set. This kit is expertly assembled to swap out old capacitors with superior Panasonic ones, ensuring a remarkable boost in your device's efficiency and stability.


  • Enhanced System Performance: Each capacitor plays a unique role in improving different aspects of the GameBoy Pocket, from sound to power stability.
  • Renewed Audio-Visual Experience: Enjoy sharper graphics and clearer sound, just like when your GameBoy Pocket was new.
  • Increased Reliability: High-quality Panasonic capacitors mean your device will perform consistently over time.

Shipping and Warranty: We offer fast and secure shipping along with a 30-day warranty to cover any manufacturing defects.

Important Note: Installation requires soldering skills. If you are not experienced in electronics repair, we recommend seeking professional installation.

Package Includes:

  • 1 x 330uf 6.3v Panasonic Capacitor
  • 2 x 100uf 6.3v Panasonic Capacitor
  • 1 x 33uf 25v Panasonic Capacitor