











*每种精油均配有 30 毫升琥珀棕色瓶子。这将使油保持新鲜并有助于防止光降解















1 x 瓶 PHATOIL 30ML 精油

1 个滴管

1 盒


香味:薰衣草/茉莉花/桉树/香草/薄荷/檀香/乳香/甜橙/依兰/柠檬/玫瑰/佛手柑/茶树/丁香/柠檬草/ 广藿香/ 迷迭香/ 天竺葵/ 香茅草/ 肉桂/ 葡萄柚/ 洋甘菊/ 雪松/ 杜松/ 生姜/ 橘子/ 樟脑/ 百里香/ 白千层/ 丝柏/ 茴香/ 罗勒/ 没药/ 黑胡椒/ 香根草/ 快乐鼠尾草/ 松针







燃油燃烧器 - 最流行的方法之一是将它们与燃油燃烧器一起使用。在油燃烧器中添加几滴会产生持久的美丽香气,您也可以混合油来创造自己的气味。


沐浴 -在您的沐浴中添加几滴我们的精油会产生天堂般、自然和纯净的香气,并且被证明是充分利用我们精油的高效方法。


按摩 -我们的油很强,因此请勿直接在皮肤上使用。在基础油(如葡萄籽油)中加入几滴,然后按摩到额头、手掌、颈部、背部、脚部或其他受影响的部位,会有奇效。 


自己制作 -许多人喜欢制作自己的肥皂、蜡烛和美容产品,而这些精油非常适合。它们具有治疗级、天然、纯净,使其成为您自己制作产品的创意灵魂的理想选择。


其他 -除上述方式外,其他流行的方式还包括扩散器、晚上放在枕头上、冥想、汽车空气清新剂和蒸汽/桑拿浴室。


不要仅使用 100% 纯精油。需要添加基础油进行稀释。





PHATOIL 100ml 水果精油。没有添加剂,没有填充剂,只有纯精油。

每种精油均配有 30 毫升琥珀棕色瓶子。这将使油保持新鲜并有助于防止光降解。




商品类型: PHATOIL 水果精油




1. 清除空气中的灰尘和细菌
2. 打开呼吸道
3. 影响情绪
4. 容易被身体

吸收 使用方法:
沐浴 - 在沐浴中添加几滴精油会产生天堂般、自然和纯净的香气,并且被证明是充分利用精油的高效方法。
按摩 - 这些精油的作用很强,因此请勿直接在皮肤上使用。在基础油(如葡萄籽油)中滴几滴,然后按摩到额头、手掌、颈部、背部、脚部或其他部位。
自己制作 - 许多人喜欢制作自己的肥皂、蜡烛和美容产品,而这些精油非常适合。
其他 - 除上述以外的其他流行方式包括扩散器、汽车空气清新剂和蒸汽/桑拿等。




1 x 30ML PHATOIL 水果精油(带精美盒子)

1x 滴管



茉莉花 精油:


桉树 精油:


香草 精油:


薄荷 精油:

An easily recognisable fragrance, Peppermint is a refreshing and uplifting oil. It is a great decongestant as it contains the all-important menthol which is perfect for clearing the sinuses and the mind. Peppermint is a fantastic oil to use in emergency sunburn treatment

Sandalwood Essential Oil :

Unsurprisingly having a woody fragrance, Sandalwood has a myriad of properties. It is an excellent oil for those who have issues with sleep as it encourages a restful mind and promotes a healthy sleep space. It is thought to be libido stimulating and therefore considered useful to couples experiences issues in the bedroom.

Frankincense Essential Oil :

Most famed as a gift from the wise men to the baby Jesus, Frankincense was considered an opulent oil by kings and rulers. It has a natural smell that is said to be a combination of Camphor and Lemon. It can help lift the mood and relieve exhaustion as well as giving confidence. A good mental health oil

Sweet Orange Essential Oil :

 Oranges are a wonderfully fresh scent that reminds us of sunny days. The oil has a similar effect on the mind and is uplifting while soothing and helping to remove stress. Due to the properties of the oil, it makes an excellent skin treatment and can be used in facial creams or facial saunas.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil :

 Considered the most sensual of essential oils, Ylang Ylang is a floral fragrance that has a sweet edge. It is the perfect oil for romantic massages from a partner and invokes a relaxed but sensual state. It can free the mind of negativity and increase positive feelings.

Lemon Essential Oil :

Clean and fresh the smell of Lemon is a stimulant that acts on the brain to clear and refresh. It is an excellent oil to use in cold and flu remedies as it supports the body and improves circulation, which in turn help the immune system. It can be a powerful household cleaner

Rose Essential Oil :

 A garden of roses is a truly incredible sight, and rose fragrance offers that fantastic imagery without leaving the room. Used in a diffuser this light scent creates a delicate but cosy feel to a room. It invokes memories of childhood and is often linked to grandparents and older relatives.

Bergamot Essential Oil :

Did you know that Bergamot is used in Earl Grey tea? It is what creates the distinct flavour. As an essential oil, this is a refreshing scent that helps create calm and rest. It can help with mental health as it soothes the mind and calms an irritable soul. Bergamot is an antiseptic oil and can be used in cleaning products.

Tea Tree Essential Oil :

 One of the most popular oils, Tea Tree, has a myriad of uses. Being a natural antiseptic and antibacterial it is often used in cleaning products and is an excellent winter protection oil. Diffuse round the home to ward off viruses. Take care around animals that the scent is not too strong.

Clove Essential Oil :

Clove is considered the dentist friend as traditional it has been used to create an antiseptic area in the mouth and gums. It is often found in alternative toothpaste. When used in a massage oil Clove can aid digestion and relieve discomfort.

Lemongrass Essential Oil :

Used a lot in oriental cuisine Lemongrass is a pungent plant. As an oil, it is incredibly useful as it has a stimulating effect on the body. It can combat tiredness and is excellent for the skin when used in creams.

Patchouli Essential Oil :

With an aroma of musk and woody undertones, Patchouli is a popular oil. It a common ingredient in massage oils and soothes both the tired mind and the stressed body. It contains natural anti-inflammatory properties and is a great oil to add to a long relaxing bath.

Rosemary Essential Oil :

Thought of as a kitchen herb, Rosemary is actually a valuable essential oil in its own right. It is an excellent oil for those who suffer from headaches, and it can help loosen the airways an improve breathing. In massage oil, it is a great way to stimulate the circulation.

Geranium Essential Oil :

A sweet floral bouquet, Geranium is a favourite essential oil as it has many positive properties. Often found in skin care products it is a good toner and can help soothe irritated skin. Geranium is a mild antiseptic and can improve mood and stimulate mental clarity, so perfect in a diffuser.

Citronella Essential Oil :

Coming from the citrus group of oils Citronella is crisp and fresh. It is often used in outdoor patio candles. As an aromatherapy oil, it is useful for skin care as well as having a clearing effect on the mind leaving you feeling more awake and refreshed.

Cinnamon Essential Oil :

A distinctive scent Cinnamon is warming and spicy. As an essential oil, Cinnamon has a myriad of uses including having a soothing effect on joints and muscles when used in a bath or as a massage oil. Considered a stimulating oil, it helps with digestion and brightens the mood.

Grapefruit Essential Oil :

Powerfully uplifting, Grapefruit is one of the citrus oils and can aid mental clarity. This is a good oil for exams as it promotes mental clarity and aids memory recall. It can be great for skin care as it is both cleansing and toning as well as being invigorating.

Chamomile Essential Oil :

Has a therapeutic, calming effect on the skin, mind, and body, soothes the systems of the body, may help support healthy immune system function.Spiritually, it's also said to support a person who is seeking their purpose or struggling with feeling of purposelessness. It can help one to overcome discouragement, or hopelessness, and find clarity and focus on the things that bring meaning to their lives and the lives of others. Emotionally, it brings about a sense of calm and peacefulness.

Cedarwood Essential Oil :

With a fresh forest type scent, Cedarwood is another of the antiseptic group of oils. It is an excellent oil for skin health and is used in shampoos to treat scalp issues. It can be used in diffusers and massage oils to help relax a tense body and mind.

Juniper Essential Oil :

 A fruit oil, Juniper has been said to be reminiscent of Pine. Another oil that has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, making it really powerful to work against conditions like thrush. In terms of mental health, this oil is excellent for calming and emptying the mind of the daily stresses.

Ginger Essential Oil :

This unique root has a distinct flavour that used in cooking and is a known antiemetic often found in natural travel sickness remedies and promoted for morning sickness. As an oil, it is good in a diffuser to achieve the same effect and can be used to help with circulation issues and muscle strains when used in massage oil.

Tangerine Essential Oil :

Tangerine has a long history of use in Chinese culture and herbal health practices. The essential oil supports healthy digestion and metabolism. Tangerine has a sweet, tangy aroma, similar to other citrus oils, that is uplifting.

 Tangerine is known for its cleansing properties, and for supporting a healthy immune and respiratory system. Tangerine essential oil can be used to help soothe anxious feelings and manage stress. A popular and flavorful addition to desserts and drinks from water to fruit smoothies?Tangerine can be used in any recipe calling for citrus fruits.

Camphor Essential Oil :

A very warming oil this is perfect for sore, aching muscles as it heats and soothes when massaged in. It is also said to protect and strength the heart.

Thyme Essential Oil :

 A sweet herb that is often used in cooking, Thyme has great therapeutic properties. It is perfect for stress and anxiety and can help relieve headaches and feelings of fatigue. Thyme is an excellent oil to help recover from coughs and colds so should be diffused in the winter months.

Cajeput Essential Oil :

Coming from the same family of plants as Camphor, Cajeput may not be well known, but it has a distinct fragrance that has been suggested to be like a milder version of Eucalyptus oil. This means that it is an excellent oil for clearing congestion when inhaled. It can also be used as an antiseptic and is great for clearing the mind and creating focus.

Cypress Essential Oil : 

 Warming yet bright, Cypress is a woody oil that has an invigorating impact on the mind and body. This oil is both antiseptic and astringent making it useful for cleaning products as well as being used on the body. It can work on menopausal symptoms as well as soothing varicose veins. An excellent product for cleansing the skin and preventing breakouts.

Fennel Essential Oil :

 Perhaps an uncommon smell, fennel is sweet and clean. It can be used to help with dieting and promoting a detoxifying environment. Another oil that has antiseptic properties is can be used in house cleaning but should not be used by women who have issues like endometriosis. Fennel can stimulate the digestive system.

Basil Essential Oil :

 Basil is a spicy fragrance that is immediately warming. It is a great oil to use in massage oils and diffusers and can help with the stress of life. Basil can help with mental clarity and focus as well as helping to relieve stress and encouraging the mind to relax.

Myrrh Essential Oil :

Originating in the Middle East and East Africa, myrrh is a tree-like shrub that grows in arid soil. Its essential oil is derived from its resin, which is harvested by making deep scores into the sapwood. Myrrh has an earthy, balsamic-like scent and has been used for centuries in traditions around the world. Revered for awakening the spiritual senses, myrrh is commonly present in perfumes and skin-care products.

Black Pepper Essential Oil :

 Black Pepper is a familiar smell and generally associated with kitchen use, but is a potent essential oil. Blended into a massage carrier oil, this can help relieve muscle aches making it popular with runners. Black pepper is also great for promoting healthy digestion and increasing circulation when massaged in.

Vetiver Essential Oil :

 a member of the grass family, is grown for many reasons. Unlike other grasses, the root system of Vetiver grows down, making it ideal for helping to prevent erosion and providing soil stabilisation. Vetiver has a rich, exotic, complex aroma that is used extensively in perfumes. Due to Vetiver calming, grounding effect on the emotions, it is an ideal oil to use in massage therapy. It can also be rubbed on the feet before bedtime to promote a restful night sleep. When taken internally, Vetiver can support a healthy immune system.

Clary Sage Essential Oil :

A sweet fragrance Clary Sage has undertones of nuts and is a favourite oil for aromatherapists. It has a myriad of uses and is considered an excellent oil for those who suffer from night sweats and hot flushes. It balances the hormone and can help create the perfect arena for a better quality of sleep.

Pine Needles Essential Oil :

Hailing from the same family as the Camphor plant you can expect some of the same properties from this oil. It is another helpful decongestant that will soothe the sinuses and aid breathing. Pine Needles oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties making it a valuable addition to hand sanitiser and home cleaning products.

Base oil Essential Oil :

Base oils(Carrier oils) are often used to dilute essential oils since essential oils are extremely concentrated and can be harmful if they are used undiluted or improperly.The fats contained within base oils allow the essential oils to be effectively absorbed into bodies.


Apple Essential Oil - Apple Essential Oil has a refreshing, clean, crisp aroma with a slightly sweet undertone.It contains fatty acids that promote the overall skin's appearance. It provides softness as well as nutrition to the skin. Enhances collagen, blocks UV rays, and anti-aging.

Mango Essential Oil-Mango Essential Oil provides people with ample health benefits. It not only helps exfoliate your skin, reduce redness, unclog pores and has exquisite refine properties, but also generates skin cell renewal that prevents wrinkles from forming. It is also exceptionally rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are wonderful for sustaining healthy hair. It can moisturize and thicken your hair and may even help prevent hair loss.It also emits a relaxing and calming effect that soothes even the most tense muscles and eases the mind.

Passion Fruit Essential Oil-Passion Fruit Essential Oil has a very important element - linoleic acid,which can resist free radicals, resist aging, help skin absorb vitamins C and E, reduce UV damage, protect collagen in skin, prevent melanin precipitation. It helps ignite feelings of excitement, passion, and joy. By inhaling passion fruit oil molecules in the air, you will feel inspired, counteract negative feelings of boredom and disinterest.

Strawberry Essential Oil- Strawberry Essential Oil can balance emotions and reduce fatigue when used in aromatherapy.It is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that keep the skin looking young and moisturize your skin.

Watermelon Essential Oil- Watermelon Essential Oil can moisturize and heal both oily can dry skin when used in aromatherapy.Watermelon seed contains a large amount of natural nutrients,which are often used to help with the immune system,cardiovascular system,nervous system and promoting healthy skin.

Cherry Essential Oil- Cherry Essential Oil emits a relaxing and calming effect that soothes even the most tense muscles and eases the mind when used in aromatherapy. It can fight free radicals, cure and prevent dry skin, cure and prevent acne, efficient anti-aging, helps clear scars.Cherry essential contains oleic acid, which helps hair grow thicker, faster and stronger, prevents dandruff.

Coconut Essential Oil- Coconut Essential Oil is very soothing and helps prevent dry, flaking skin. It also delays the appearance age related wrinkles and sagging, as well as helping to treat various skin problems.It also can boost immunity and fight infection.

Pineapple Essential Oil- The rich, single-note scent of Pineapple Essential Oil is bursting with bright, tropical goodness, which will invigorate your senses. It is not only moisturizing, but the vitamin C in pineapple essential oil enhances the body's ability to build collagen, the acclaimed key to eternal youth.

香蕉精油- 香蕉具有热带酸甜果香。香蕉精油很容易被皮肤吸收并燃烧脂肪并淡化不需要的脂肪。

葡萄精油- 葡萄精油的果香让您感觉清新,心情愉悦。







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