Monstera Adansonii Swiss Cheese Outdoor Indoor Split Ieaf Philodendron Cuttings 

Nicknamed the Swiss cheese vine because of its elongated perforated pointed leaves it grows fast and loves climbing. Its large heart shaped leaves create holes as the plant ages.This unusual but beautiful plant will add personality to any space and requires minimal attention to thrive. Caring for this handsome houseplant was easy. Place your Monstera adansonii in a spot with bright indirect light. Low light is also sufficient and water the soil once it is almost completely dry. These fast growing vines should be fertilized when they are actively growing.

These indoor plants can handle low light but if you want them to grow fast and produce large leaves give them medium to bright indirect light. In a north or east facing window you can place them close to receiving more sunlight or in a south or west facing window in direct light.

Of Water
Monstera likes a good soak after the soil is almost completely dry. Water more frequently during the warm months while growing and reduce watering during the winter months allowing the soil to dry out almost completely between waterings. Monstera adansonia requires more frequent watering than larger leaved deliciosas because adansonia leaves are thinner and less moist.

The Soil
The best potting soil for Monstera adansonii is nutrient rich loose and well drained soil. Most bagged potting soil mixes are acceptable but make sure they don t contain moisture retaining crystals. Before you soak the soil thoroughly it is essential to let the soil dry out.

Monstera will grow in most indoor temperatures but temperatures between 65-85℉ are ideal. They can survive in temperatures as low as 50℉ but cold temperatures stop growth.

All species of the Monstera genus benefit from high humidity levels. The best way to increase humidity is to add a humidifier to your room. Pebbles and trays filled with water can help increase humidity immediately around your plants or try moving your houseplants closer together.

These houseplants love to be fertilized during their active growing season so be sure to use a diluted fish emulsion with iron or a ¼ diluted complete liquid fertilizer twice a month. Another option is to top dress your plants with compost such as worm castings in the spring. It will slowly release nutrients to the roots throughout the growing season.

The Swiss cheese plant is a climber so it will need to be pruned if it starts to outgrow your space. If you need to prune your plant aim to do it in the spring. Use sterile pruning shears to cut off no more than 25 percent of the stems. Cut so that only the stem above a leaf node remains there. Also remove dead or damaged leaves as needed.

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