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Doctor Who - The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles Volume 2 - Timejacked!

by Lou Morgan, Matt Fitton, Helen Goldwyn, Jacob Dudman, Bhavnisha Parmar, Caroline Tankersley, Lee Adams, Ioan Morris

Three stories set in the Twelfth Doctor era, starring Jacob Dudman.

Compact Disc
Brand New

Publisher Description

The Doctor's been timejacked!Rookie Time Agent Keira Sanstrom needs the Doctor's help, and she's prepared to goto extreme measures to get it. Unwillingly whisked away from St. Luke's University, theDoctor quickly discovers that being forced off Earth is only the start of his problems...2.1 Flight to Calandra by Matt Fitton.The Doctor wants a peaceful afternoon playing guitar in his study. Keira wants theDoctor to take her from Earth to the planet Calandra. Reluctantly, the Doctor agrees.But when they arrive, Calandra isn't how Keira remembers. Something's gone verywrong...2.2 Split Second by Lou Morgan.Oh dear. That wasn't meant to happen.2.3 The Weight of History by Lou Morgan.The Founder built their planet and their people from nothing. Their lives, and theirvery world, are dependent on the whims of the Founder. All praise the Founder.Cast:Jacob Dudman (The Doctor), Bhavnisha Parmar (Keira Sanstrom), Hannah Genesius (Milla),Charlie Hamblett (Vetch), Holly Jackson Walters (Havilland), George Naylor (Attis), HarleyViveash (Pennou). Other parts played by members of the cast.


Author Ioan Morris
Publisher Big Finish Productions Ltd
Series Doctor Who = The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles
Year 2022
ISBN-10 1838687246
ISBN-13 9781838687243
Format Compact Disc
Playing time 180
Imprint Big Finish Productions Ltd
Place of Publication Maidenhead
Country of Publication United Kingdom
AU Release Date 2022-01-30
NZ Release Date 2022-01-30
Publication Date 2022-01-30
UK Release Date 2022-01-30
Series Number 2
Audience General
