Beautiful light brown Witnessing field service bag 11 x 9 x 3  inches with a 4 foot adjustable shoulder strap. Perfect size for Watchtowers, Tablets tracts and so forth. 

All sales support my wife Lisa who is suffering from stage 4 Uterine Leiomyosarcoma which has spread to her lungs. It is an extremely aggressive and rare form of cancer. She also had lung damage from chemo that was shrinking the cancer but now cannot continue with that treatment. We long for the Bible’s promise that all suffering will end, and we will be able to live forever in paradise on earth in perfect health. Rev. 21:1-4. 

ORG is ranked #1 most visited religious website out of 77,000 and is the #1 most translated website out of Billions! "In the FINAL part of the days, The mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established ABOVE the top of the mountains, and it will be raised up ABOVE the hills, and to it ALL the nations will stream." Isa. 2:2

To All Collectors of Watchtower Publications and Research Related Watchtower Books :

        Welcome to our bookstore: "Watchtower Historical Bibles/Items and Research Museum"

   Since the "Proclaimers" book came out in 1995 the desire to acquire Watchtower memorabilia and have a personal library or museum of Watchtower items has grown. The Watchtower Society itself now has an archive department known as "Writing Archives" which was established by the Writing Committee of the Governing Body to preserve our rich theocratic history. Many of the hundreds of items I offer on Ebay are reproductions from the original items which have been donated to the archive department.

   We offer here on ebay and especially our parent website “ hundreds of historical Bibles both original and as facsimiles such as the Gutenberg Bible, Tyndale and about 250 others. We also offer many original Bible leafs that are also hundreds of years old. We offer many museum replicas and facsimiles of Biblical artifacts and many other things of interest to Jehovah's Witnesses and others interested in Biblical historical artifacts such as those related to the Divine Name "Jehovah" going back thousands of years. We also have many of the books quoted by the Watchtower Society and hundreds of photos and reproductions of hundreds of Watchtower memorabilia from the 19th to early 20th Centuries such as the Photo-Drama of Creation items. We have items such as the Dead Sea Scrolls now on display in the Bible History exhibit as mentioned at the 2013 Annual Meeting. Many people are interested in copying to the best of their ability the Bethel Library including the thousands of books referred to and quoted from in the many publications of the Watchtower Society for research. We have books dealing with the following topics: Hundreds of Bible Translations, Biblical Reference Books, Early Christianity, History, Science, Pagan Origins, Archaeology, Jehovah's Witnesses, Holocaust, Books related to prophecy about 1914, Books by or about Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood transfusion alternatives, religious terrorism and many other subjects. If you type "Watchtower research" in the search box here on Ebay, you will get a good listing of those books that the Watchtower has quoted from throughout the years. If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I encourage you to donate theocratic historical items if you can and if you are not a Witness, then I encourage you to continue to search God's Word the Bible and related publications to guide and aid you in your search for Jehovah God your Creator.

   According to our Scriptural conscience and Biblical principle to receive free and give free no recent new publications are ever sold here on ebay which you may get for free at a Kingdom Hall. Any profits are donated to the World wide work of Jehovah's Witnesses.

"This means everlasting life their coming to know you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ" John 17:3

"And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" Matt. 24:14. {New World Translation 2013 Edition}.