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There is the historical Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama. Gautama Buddha, also called Shakyamuni Buddha, lived around 600 BC in Lumbini in today’s Nepal, became Buddha or the ‘Awakened One’. He was a spiritual leader according to whose teachings Buddhism was founded.The historical Buddha wasn’t fat. Prince Siddhartha Gautama left his place and went to live into the wilderness as an ascetic, fasting, and meditating for 6 years seeking the way to overcome suffering (pain, sorrow). Later he abandoned asceticism and found the ‘Middle Way’, avoiding all extremes (asceticism and hedonism) as the path to Enlightenment.

And then there is the Laughing Buddha, or the Fat Buddha, who was a Zen monk called Budai who lived in China around the 10th century, meaning about 1.600 years after historical Buddha. Budai was as a bold man with a big tummy, big smile, large ears, wearing a simple robe, prayer beads, and a large sack. The fat Buddhist monk was known as a good-hearted, happy and content man of humorous personality, jolly nature, and eccentric lifestyle. Budai was nicknamed the Laughing Buddha because of his big smile and happiness he was spreading around him. Furthermore, Budai (the Laughing Buddha or the Fat Buddha) became a famous character of Chinese folktales. In China Budai became a patron ’saint’ of restaurateurs and bartenders. You can see statues of Budai often at the entrance to Chinese Buddhist temples, at Chinese restaurants and bars. Chinese Fat Buddha is known as the Buddha of Happiness, and the Buddha of Wealth. Thus, rubbing the belly of Chinese Laughing Buddha is believed to bring good luck, wealth and prosperity.