Charles Fracé was born in 1926 in a small town in eastern Pennsylvania. He began drawing at five and taught himself to paint when he was fifteen. Fracé remembers wanting to be an artist from an early age. His self-instructed talent earned him a scholarship to Philadelphia's Museum School of Art, where he graduated with honors

In 1955, Fracé began a professional career as a freelance illustrator in New York City. Eventually, he became one of the nation's most sought-after illustrators of wildlife.

In 1973, with the issue of Fracé's first limited edition print, he had finally made the permanent change to fine art. Fracé brings to his art, prints and posters over three decades of personal research and a close kinship with animals. Perhaps the greatest honor of his career came in October 1992, when Fracé was recognized with a one-man exhibit of thirty-six of his paintings at the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

Charles Fracé passed away December 16, 2005 after a long illness. Mr. Fracé's legacy will continue to live on in his masterful work which has captivated art collectors and intrigued nature experts for over thirty years.