HEALTH BENEFITS OF C24/7 - Why is Health Important?

****C 24/7 prevent and protects 100 Uncurabel health non-communicable illnesses.

100 Uses of C24/7

Here under is the list of 100 illnesses that C24/7 Natura-ceutical can help remedy, through providing the daily essentials, anti-oxidants and other nutrients the body needs on a daily basis. To learn more about the illnesses:

1. Acute and Chronic Diarrhea

2. Allergic Rhinitis

3. Amenorrhea

4. Anemia

5. Atopic Dermatitis

6. Atopic vaginitis

7. Benign prostatic hypertrophy

8. Beri- Beri

9. Bone Fracture

10. Brain Tumor

11. Bronchial Asthma

12. Bronchitis

13. Burns

14. Cancer and Tumor

15. Cataract



18. Colitis

19. Colon prolapsed and bowel pockets

20. Conjunctivitis

21. Conjunctivitis


23. Cough

24. CYST

25. Deafness of old age

26. Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

27. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

28. Dysmenorrhea

29. Dyspepsia

30. Ecopora

31. Edema

32. Endometriosis

33. Enteritis – swelling intestines

34. Epilepsy


36. Gingivitis

37. Glaucoma

38. Goiter

39. GOUT

40. Halitosis

41. HEART ILLNESSES AND Complication

42. Hepatitis

43. Hypercholesterolemia

44. Hyperlipidemia


46. Immunodeficiency

47. Insomnia

48. Kidney illnesses

49. Laryngitis

50. Leucorrhea



53. Mental Tiredness


55. Muscle and nerve pain

56. Muscular Degeneration

57. Muscular Dystrophy


59. Nephrolithiasis

60. Neuralgia

61. Neuromuscular Disorder


63. Osteoporosis

64. Pancreatitis

65. Paralysis

66. Parasitism

67. Patients with debilitating illnesses

68. Pharyngitis

69. Piles after operation

70. Piles-external swelling

71. Pre menopausal Syndrome

72. Prolapsed of the stomach

73. Psoriasis

74. Rectal Tumor

75. Respiratory Infections

76. Rheumatic Heart Fever

77. Rheumatoid Arthritis

78. Scurvy

79. Shortness of breath in children

80. Sinusitis

81. Skin rash

82. Skin ulcer

83. Spinal illnesses


85. Systemic Lupus Erythromatosus

86. Tendonitis

87. Thrombosis

88. Thyroid Problem

89. Tinnitus

90. Tonsilitis

91. Toxic blood and Acidosis

92. Toxins in the body

93. Trichomonas Vaginalis

94. Ulcerative Colitis

95. Underweight and Malnutrition

96. Urethritis

97. Vaginitis

98. Varicose veins

99. Vertigo

100. Weakness of the lower leg


**** C 24/7 Components

Below is the list of all the component of the product by groups. These are the sources of the 22,000 phyto-nutrients found in a single food supplement.

A single C24/7 Capsule contains the following Components:

Here are the C24/7 Food Supplement Facts:

Nutrients are better absorbed into the blood stream because of its Vegetarian V-Caps disintegrate up to 5x faster than other leading brands. 

C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals

Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. in partnership with Natures Way delivers the most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today, C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals contains the most number of anti-oxidants with approximately 22,000 phyto-nutrients in one product. The ingredients of C24/7 work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation.


There have been testimonies about the effects of C24/7 in dialysis. Patients with chronic dialysis suffer from a myriad of conditions that shorten their lives and decrease its quality.On top of this, recent the therapeutic methods only hold a moderate success rate in improving the problem.

However, when C24/7 is introduced, it has been found that a number of advantages are enjoyed by patients, including the decreased chance of blood clot formation.

C24/7 is a natural blood thinner. Taking these supplements helps with blood flow through out the body in anyone who takes them, but in dialysis patients, this benefit is needed even more.When the blood is slightly thinner and flowing better through the body, circulation is incidentally improved and the chance of blood clot formation is reduced. By providing this benefit to dialysis patients, the chance of heart attack or stroke is reduced.

The benefits that these supplements have on hearth are many, and this is just one of them.

What this supplement does is act as a go-between for cell membrane function and structure. The reason it can do what it does is because itprepacked complete phyto-nutrients.

If you're interested in learning more about the health benefits of C24/7 supplements, feel free to PM me, where I give important tips and advice on what to look out for when buying C24/7 as well as what I personally use.


PHYTO-ALKATECH. A powerful complex of natural Alkaline ingredients designed to enhance the Alkalinity of this formulation and also to protect and neutralize possible acid damage when it reaches the stomach. Thus, preserving the purity and potency of this breakthrough NATURA-CEUTICALS.

2. SYNER-TECH. Embodies the Science and Technology of the Combined Complimentary and Synergistic Effects of Nature’s Most Powerful elements and Phyto-chemical Nutrients. It has been proven over the years that many anti-oxidants are better taken with other anti-oxidants providing more enhanced effect as compared to taking them alone.

3. NANO TECHNOLOGY. It’s the idea of making ingredients so tiny that could easily absorb by the cells. So the nourishing effect will start at the cellular level.


C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is manufactured exclusively for Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. (AIM Global) by Nature’s Way®, the No. 1 Premium Herbal Company in the United States.

Correct Dosage of C24/7:

1 Capsule per Day – For Prevention

2  Capsules per Day - For Minor Illnesses
3 Capsules per Day - For Major Illnesses

2 – 3 Capsules x 3 times a Day – For Cancer/Diabetes/


***Do I need to take supplements even if I eat a well-balanced diet?


There are 40 nutrients required by the body everyday. Even with a balanced diet, factors like pollution, stress and alcohol can hinder your body from getting the proper nutrient value from food.

***With Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7), itprovides 22,000 Phytonutrients to our body. 

***What do I do if I have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules?


Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7) utilizes vegetable capsules (V-Caps). It is excipient free so you can pour and mix the contents of the capsule in any liquid likewater of juice without reducing the effectiveness of the supplement.

***What makes Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7)different from other supplements?


There are four antioxidants that are most importantin the body.

Vitamin A, 

Vitamin C, 

Vitamin E and

Selenium, all of which can be found in fruits and vegetables.These antioxidants are the key factor in prevention of many illnesses. However, fewer that 10% of people eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables.

Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7) ensures that you receive the minimum daily requirement with it’s blend of 

12 whole fruits and 

12 whole vegetables.

With it’s 100% excipient free formulation utilizing V-caps (vegetarian capsule) combined with powerful “Synergistic & Complimentary ingredients.

Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7) is the most powerful supplement in the 21st century.

***Does Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7) have any known side effects?


Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7) has no known side effects as to date, but the effects on individual persons varies as its components balances our individual deficiencies and tries to rectify it.

***Why does i feel a little bit woozy on the first two days after taking taking Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7)?


You feel woozy because your body was still trying to adjust to the mega dose of nutrients of Complete Phyto- nutrients (C24/7), physicians calls this phenomenon as loading dose, which they claim to be quite natural while taking any type of food supplement.

***I am taking other supplements and when I tried Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7), with in hours of taking I felt as if everything around me is movingfast.


Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7) is already acomplete source of vitamins and minerals, and what you are experiencing could the effects of other active ingredients from your other supplement reacting to those of ALIVE.

Try taking Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7) alone and see if you would feel the same effect that you have felt before, if you do feel it again, then it is a rare probability that you may have some allergi creactions to some of Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7) components, if not, then the other food supplement is most probably reacting to it.

***I am already taking a lot of medications, is it safe for me to take Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7)?


Yes it is safe for you take it, but please be reminded that,,,Complete Phyto-nutrients(Alive!),,, is a food supplement and it is not design to replace your medication entirely, but it is formulated so that it can help in the healing process of your ailing body.

***I am a health buff, does Complete Phyto-nutrients (C24/7) helps me in keeping my body fit?


Yes, Complete Phyto-nutrients C24/7) is also ideal for health buffs like you, since it is packed with amino acids, it can help repair your muscles that was damage during heavy work outs, and helps in dissolving fats and in the processreduces your weight.

***I’m not suffering from any ailments, why shouldI take Complete Phyto-nutrients (C24/7)?


It is not that only the sick who should take Complete Phyto-nutrients(C24/7), but everybody else since its components help our body to strengthen our immune system and regulates our body systems, which prevents any types of illnesses.


  1. C24/7 play such a vital role in the protection, defense and repair of damage caused to the human body by out side sources like the damage caused by nasty free radicals.

  2. With our bodies constantly trying to fix and repair damage done, antioxidants are the key to help complete the process.

  3. Day in and day out we are exposed to free radicals.

  4. You come in contact with free radicals in so many different ways including:

  5. Being exposed to environmental toxins such as tobacco smoke, smog and radiation

  6. During normal processes in your body like the breakdown of sugars or when digestive enzymes are release to break down food

  7. When you take certain medicines You can find the highest antioxidants in C24/7 will aid in detoxification and your body will be eliminated of free radicals and toxins.

  8. C24/7 can also protect us from serious illnesses like breast cancer, some heart illnesses and different types of inflammations. You must consider taking supplements that will help you detoxify and keep healthy all the time take C24/7 everyday


1. Stop eating fast food and other such things with a lot of sugar and fat in them. They have no-nutritional value and you are only paying for the actual taste. There are a lot of tasty and healthy foods out there, go give them a try.

2. Exercise or how about you walk a couple of blocks or use a bicycle if the journey is a bit longer. This ensures that your body stays healthy and it also helps your heart remain healthy as well. Any kind of physical activity helps.

3. Take Food Supplements everyday like C24/7 its a complete 22,000 phyto nutrients.


Faster Absorption Rate

Nutrients are better absorbed into the blood stream because its Vegetarian V-caps disintegrate 5x faster than other leading brands.

No Excipients added, 100% all natural.

Approved and Certified by:

BFAD No. : FR 83809

Lot No. : 619001