This exquisite pendant showcases a beautifully crafted eagle feather in Indian style, adorned with pure silver accents. 
The piece is a limited edition and makes for a distinctive addition to any jewelry collection. 
The feather, made of high-quality feathers and silver, is meticulously designed to create a stunning visual effect. 
 The pendant is perfect for those who appreciate unique and handmade jewelry. 
The silver accents complement the intricate details of the feather, creating a one-of-a-kind piece that is sure to turn heads. 
This pendant is ideal for anyone who loves to wear distinctive jewelry that reflects their personality and style.

The products in our store are all handmade, and each item you see has only one item in stock.

We will not resell a style because it is all based on inspiration at the time.

We believe that the significance of pure handmade craftsmanship lies in endowing each piece with a soul, so we refuse mass production.

The materials you see are all real. If they are silver