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Charles H. Spurgeon Collection of 14 Religious & Spiritual Audiobooks 
in 15 MP3 CDs

Charles H. Spurgeon 
(1834 - 1892)

Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon (19 June 1834 – 31 January 1892) was a British Particular Baptist preacher. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is known as the "Prince of Preachers". He was a strong figure in the Reformed Baptist tradition, defending the Church in agreement with the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith understanding, and opposing the liberal and pragmatic theological tendencies in the Church of his day.

According to Promise, or The Lord’s Method of Dealing with His Chosen People
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:4:31:11 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
In this series of devotionals, he challenges each of us to examine our own heart to make sure our faith is solidly grounded, to count the cost, and to experience the promise of grace. “It would be very difficult to say how far a man may go in religion, and yet die in his sins; how much he may look like an heir of heaven, and yet be a child of wrath. Many unconverted men have a belief which is similar to faith, and yet it is not true faith. The life of God within the soul creates an infinite difference between the man who has it and the man who has it not; and the point is, to make sure that we have this life. I desire to help my reader in the business of self-examination. I would have him go further than examination, and attain to such abundance of grace that his holy and happy state shall become a witness to himself. No man can lose by honestly searching his own heart.”

All of Grace
Read by MaryAnn Spiegel
Running Time:3:30:00 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
HE WHO SPOKE and wrote this message will be greatly disappointed if it does not lead many to the Lord Jesus. It is sent forth in childlike dependence upon the power of God the Holy Ghost, to use it in the conversion of millions, if so He pleases. No doubt many poor men and women will take up this little volume, and the Lord will visit them with grace. To answer this end, the very plainest language has been chosen, and many homely expressions have been used. But if those of wealth and rank should glance at this book, the Holy Ghost can impress them also; since that which can be understood by the unlettered is none the less attractive to the instructed. Oh that some might read it who will become great winners of souls!

Who knows how many will find their way to peace by what they read here? A more important question to you, dear reader, is this – Will you be one of them? 

Around the Wicket Gate
Read by MaryAnn Spiegel
Running Time:02:08:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Millions of men are in the outlying regions, far off from God and peace; for these we pray, and to these we give warning. But just now we have to do with a smaller company, who are not far from the kingdom, but have come right up to the wicket gate which stands at the head of the way of life. One would think that they would hasten to enter, for a free and open invitation is placed over the entrance, the porter waits to welcome them, and there is but this one way to eternal life. He that is most loaded seems the most likely to pass in and begin the heavenward journey; but what ails the other men?

He who does not take this step of faith, and so enter upon the road to heaven, will perish. It will be an awful ting to die just outside the gate of life. Almost saved, but altogether lost! A man just outside Noah's ark would be drowned; a manslayer just outside the wall of the city of refuge would be slain; and the man who is within a yard of Christ, and yet has not trusted hi, will be lost. Therefore am I in terrible earnest to get my hesitating friends over the threshold. Come in! Come in! is my pressing entreaty. May the Holy Spirit render it effectual with many who shall glance at these pages! May he cause his own almighty voice to be heard creating faith at once!

To God this book is commended; for without his grace nothing will come of all that is written.

C. H. Spurgeon's Prayers
Read by MaryAnn Spiegel
Running Time:05:01:22 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The day on which a volume of C. H. Spurgeon's Pulpit Prayers appears is a day to be desired. Decidedly this selection of the great preacher's prayers supplies a want. Lovers of C. H. Spurgeon will delight in this treasury of devotion. It was memorable to hear this incomparable devine when he preached. It was often even more memorable to hear him pray. Prayer was the instinct of his soul, and the atmosphere of his life. It was his "vital breath" and "native air." How naturally he inhaled and exhaled it! The greatness of his prayers more and more impresses and delights me. He touched every note. He sped as on eagle's wings, into the Heaven of God. May many be enabled, through grace, by the study of these prayers, to pray more abundantly and for effectually!

Morning and Evening: Daily Readings 
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:29:57:50 in 2 MP3 Audio CDs
Organized by week, this devotional has a morning and evening meditation for every day of the year. Although these devotions are short in length, they are filled with spiritual goodness. In just a few sentences, Spurgeon is able to convey the wisdom of Scripture with eloquence and purpose. These daily messages provide Christians with the spiritual energy they need to begin and end each day. Spurgeon weaves a verse of Scripture into each devotion, helping readers draw deeper meaning out of the selected passages. This powerful devotional provides Christians with the spiritual nourishment required to strengthen their relationships with God. Readers will find themselves inspired by Morning and Evening: Daily Readings. 

Spurgeon's Sermons May 1858
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:4:19:10 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The sermons in this collection were preached during May 1898 and published immediately at one penny (1d.) each. These were widely circulated and remain one of the all-time best-selling series of writings.
191: Christ Glorified As The Builder Of His Church
192: The Sunday School Teacher - A Steward
193: The World Turned Upside Down
194: Human Responsibility
195: Looking Unto Jesus
196: A Present Religion

Talks To Farmers
Read by Lauren Randall
Running Time:09:47:44 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This is a collection of nineteen sermons given by the Baptist preacher, Charles Spurgeon, using illustrations from rural settings. 
1 - The Sluggard's Farm 
2 - The Broken Fence
3 - Frost and Thaw
4 - The Corn of Wheat Dying To Bring Forth Fruit
5 - The Ploughman
6 - Ploughing The Rock
7 - The Parable of The Sower
8 - The Principal Wheat
9 - Spring in The Heart
10 - Farm Laborers
11 - What The Farm Laborers Can Do and What They Cannot Do
12 - The Sheep Before The Shearers
13 - In The Hay-Field
14 - The Joy of Harvest
15 - Spiritual Gleaning
16 - Meal-Time in The Cornfields
17 - The Loaded Wagon
18 - Threshing
19 - Wheat in The Barn

The Treasury of David, Vol. 1 (Abridged)
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:12:11:49 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The first volume of Spurgeon’s commentary on the Psalms, covering Psalms 1 to 26.

The Treasury of David, Vol. 2 (Abridged)
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:15:18:18 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The second volume of Spurgeon’s reflections on Psalms 27 to Psalm 52.

The Treasury of David, Vol. 3 (Abridged)
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:12:35:53 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The third volume of Spurgeon’s reflections on Psalms 53 to Psalm 78.

The Treasury of David, Vol. 4 (Abridged)
Read by Gillian Hendrie
Running Time:12:26:34 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This fourth volume of his "original exposition of the book of Psalms" covers Psalms 79 to 103. 

The Treasury of David, Vol. 5 (Abridged)
Read by Gillian Hendrie
Running Time:10:24:12 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This fifth volume of his "original exposition of the book of Psalms" covers Psalms 104 to 118.

The Treasury of David, Vol. 6 (Abridged)
Read by MaryAnn Spiegel
Running Time:9:41:36 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This sixth volume of Spurgeon’s commentary on the Psalms covers Psalm 119 to Psalm 124. 

The Treasury of David, Vol. 7 (Abridged)
Read by Gillian Hendrie
Running Time:11:43:23 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This seventh and final volume of his "original exposition of the book of Psalms" covers Psalms 125 to 150.

  • Our Audiobooks are Complete and Unabridged (unless otherwise indicated)
  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
  • Please Note: These recorded readings are from the author's original works which are in the public domain. All recordings and artwork are in the public domain and there are no infringements or copyrights. Each track starts with "This is a LibriVox recording...."Although Librivox has graciously made these recordings available to the public domain, they're not associated with the sale of this product.

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.