How to Safely Dry and Store Food, Paperback by Jones, Rachel, ISBN 1492773999, ISBN-13 9781492773993, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

This book contains all the information you need to learn to safely dry and store food.

Food dehydration is a food preservation technique that can be used by farmers, gardeners, hunters and fisherman to extend the harvest and to put away food for long-term storage. Dried food is great for health food enthusiasts, vegetarians, people on a raw food diet and anyone else looking to add tasty and healthy foods to their diet.

All three of the safe home drying methods are included in this book. Electric dehydration, solar dehydration and oven dehydration are all covered in detail.

This handy guide explains how to dry the following foods:40 fruits and vegetables are covered, including the following:In addition to individual fruits, fruit leathers are also covered in detail, including the following 10 easy and all-natural fruit leather recipes:Buy Food Drying: How to Safely Dry and Store Foods and learn how to dehydrate food today.