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The Councillor

by E.J. Beaton

"DAW Book Collectors No. 1877."--Title page verso.

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Publisher Description

This fantasy novel follows a scholar's quest to choose the next ruler of her nation amidst lies, conspiracy, and assassinationWhen the death of Iron Queen Sarelin Brey fractures the realm of Elira, Lysande Prior, the palace scholar and the queen's closest friend, is appointed Councillor. Publically, Lysande must choose the next monarch from amongst the city-rulers vying for the throne. Privately, she seeks to discover which ruler murdered the queen, suspecting the use of magic.Resourceful, analytical, and quiet, Lysande appears to embody the motto she was raised with- everything in its place. Yet while she hides her drug addiction from her new associates, she cannot hide her growing interest in power. She becomes locked in a game of strategy with the city-rulers - especially the erudite prince Luca Fontaine, who seems to shift between ally and rival.Further from home, an old enemy is stirring- the magic-wielding White Queen is on the move again, and her alliance with a traitor among the royal milieu poses a danger not just to the peace of the realm, but to the survival of everything that Lysande cares about.In a world where the low-born keep their heads down, Lysande must learn to fight an enemy who wears many guises... even as she wages her own battle between ambition and restraint.

Author Biography

E. J. Beaton is the author of the fantasy novel The Councillor, out now from DAW/Penguin. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize for Poetry.Her previous work includes a poetry collection, and she has been shortlisted for several Australian poetry prizes.She studied literature and writing at university, completing a PhD in English (Creative Writing).She lives in Melbourne, Australia.


Praise for The Councillor

"The Councillor is, in a word, sumptuous. E.J. Beaton's debut is an expertly crafted story of cut-throat politics, courtly intrigue, addiction, sex, and murder, gilded by some of the most eloquent writing I've read in a long while." —Nicholas Eames, David Gemmell Morningstar Award-winning author of Kings of the Wyld

"The Councillor is a wonderfully assured debut. A smartly-crafted tale of Machiavellian politics, privilege and power, driven by a fantastically nuanced, flawed protagonist and wrapped in sharp, lyrical prose. There's a lot to love about The Councillor." —John Gwynne, author of the Of Blood and Bone series

"A tense intrigue of unknown loyalties, political machinations, and secret magic, The Councillor explores ambition, addiction, and the consequences of power. A powerful and intelligent debut from a writer to watch." —Sam Hawke, author of City of Lies

"Vivid, intelligent, and intense, The Councillor is a story that begs to be consumed. Beaton skillfully layers poetic prose over intricate political machinations, elemental magic, and the strengths and foibles of the human heart."—Andrea Stewart, author of The Bone Shard Daughter

"E.J. Beaton brings a poet's eye to politics. Her deft language lays bare the exquisite intimacies of human connection, from the brutal—yet seductive—exercise of power over another, to the moments of tenderness and vulnerability between lovers. An intelligent fantasy of the highest calibre." —Shelley Parker-Chan, author of She Who Became the Sun

"A sharp and insightful look at power and privilege in a magical world, and what happens when people who've historically had neither find themselves in possession of both." —Anna Stephens, author of the Godblind trilogy

"A gripping tale of intrigue and politics and power, set in a beautifully-drawn world of shifting alliances and morally grey characters. Intelligent, nuanced, and compelling." —H. G. Parry, author of The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep

"The Councillor is elegant, intricate, and utterly engaging! A beautifully written and intelligent debut novel." —Rowenna Miller, author of the Unraveled Kingdom series

"Sharp and scintillating, The Councillor is high-intrigue fantasy with complex politics, fascinating characters, and gorgeous prose. Beaton has crafted an intricate story and executed it with the elegance of a well-placed blade." —Cass Morris, author of Give Way to Night

"Beaton's worldbuilding, character evolutions, and morally gray decisions make this story incredibly nuanced and smart. A skilled debut of politics, secrets, and magic that will grab readers from the start." —Library Journal (starred review)

"Emulating Lysande's approach as a quiet, analytical woman, Beaton's novel begins by prodding at these newcomers, then thunders to a breathless conclusion as all the strands in this shrewd plot finally come together. A clever start to what's sure to be an exciting duology." —ALA Booklist

"The Councillor is a smartly-crafted political debut imbued with elemental magic, monsters, chimera, intense tournament, and intrigues." —Petrik Leo, Novel Notions

"The Councillor is an exceptional book.... The world and culture depicted by Beaton is breathtaking as it drew me in and I never wanted to leave." —The Nerd Daily

Review Quote

Praise for The Councillor "A sharp and insightful look at power and privilege in a magical world, and what happens when people who've historically had neither find themselves in possession of both." --Anna Stephens, author of the Godblind trilogy

Excerpt from Book

One The shape of a crown stood out in the emerald wax of the seal, and Lysande glanced at it once before looking away, staring at anything but that envelope. She raised her vial and drank. Gold tinged the room, spreading from the corners, glossing the piles of manuscripts and slipping across the bedsheets; she felt it transmute her insides, moving from her chest to her abdomen. The clink of glass dripped luster, and through it all, she struggled against a surging wish to let the effects spread and spread. "Signore Prior!" Calm settled upon her. The vial felt newly cool, as if it truly had been purified; as if it had never contained a spoonful of chimera scale, nor any ingredients that might mix and, if swiftly consumed, permeate the bloodstream. She did not need to think about the composition of the drug. She certainly did not need to think about the envelope. "If you please, Signore Prior, the queen would see you." The ball of emotion in her chest had begun to soften. How easy it would be to let it dissolve, under the same force that had gilded her vision. The old chant repeated in her mind: restrain, constrain, subdue. When the messenger shouted through the door again, she pushed against her ease and forced her fingers to trade the vial for an empty basin. Slowly, she withdrew a small piece of hardened resin from her desk drawer and watched the surface of the stone glitter in the candlelight. After staring at it for a long time, she drew a swift breath and placed the night-quartz on her tongue. The reaction worked through her, and she bent over and retched; her hands gripped the edges of the basin until everything was expurgated. In the middle of the blue liquid, her own eyes shone, and she glimpsed something that was almost desperation. Words drifted through the door. As Lysande threw on a pair of trousers, she anchored herself to the messenger''s phrase: the queen would see you. Gathering her keys, she put on her best doublet, a thick garment in the royal green, with only a smattering of ink-spots. She took the envelope with the emerald seal from her desk and paused, staring at it for a long time, turning it over in her fingers before slipping it into her pocket. The physicians were leaving the royal suite as she arrived, carrying baskets of tools; only Surrick lingered in the corridor, wiping her hands on her robe. She nodded to Lysande, who nodded back slowly. Lysande turned away from the chief physician and approached the suite. Her stomach swirled, but she kept her back straight and her hands from trembling. Through the antechamber, trying not to look at the points of the swords in the brackets, she kept up a stiff gait. In the bedchamber, she threw up a hand to shield her eyes. Sunlight embossed the shelves on the wall. She watched an aureole form around a silver chalice, illuminating the words Sarelin Brey-Unifier, Warrior, Conqueror-the Hand that Held Back the White Tide and Saved Elira. Lysande shook her head and, after a moment, ran her finger over the edge of the envelope in her pocket. "Sarelin?" Her voice resounded in the chamber. She walked to the bed. The robe on the sheets drew her gaze, mottled with blood. "Sarelin? Are you awake?" "I hope so," a woman''s voice said. "If this is the next life, it''s lacking a bottle of red." She felt the weight of Sarelin''s presence, even before a figure emerged from behind the dressing-screen. Lysande was certain that the queen had not only chosen this position to show off the daggers at her left hip, nor the sword at her right, for at this angle, sunbeams struck the dent in her armor, turning it into a gleaming scar. "Thank Cognita!" Lysande said. "You can thank those damned physicians." Sarelin strode over and clapped her on the shoulder until her teeth knocked. "If they don''t stop hectoring me, I''ll tip the ghastly potion down their throats." "Armor after an injury, though? Is that your wisest idea?" "Surrick says I''m healed enough for it." "And did you perhaps order Surrick to tell you that?" Lysande said. "You want to watch that you''re not too clever before breakfast. You can''t enjoy a tart if you''re full of a retort." As Sarelin clanked over to her table and poured herself a goblet of vivantica, Lysande noted the absence of a flush in her cheeks. The queen was not the wan figure she had been a few days ago when two women in armor carried her into the palace, shouting about a panther attack, but she still looked drawn, Lysande thought: too drawn by far. She tested the words she had planned in her head. "Ugh." Sarelin eyed the rose-pink liquid, swirling it in the cup. "Here, Trichard, Trichard!" A ball of golden fur leaped up from one of the chairs into Sarelin''s hand. "You did a good job finding this little fellow." "Call it an investment in the realm." Lysande tried to conjure a smile, hoping it would not crack. "He lives up to his namesake." Sarelin tickled the tiny monkey. "Father could never shut his mouth, either." The monkey chattered, as if on cue. It took a sip of the medicine and smacked its lips, and the two women laughed as one, Lysande''s smile softening. "Surrick''s been bleating at me since I woke, telling me to use your little taster every time I drink. Claims your monkey can sniff out poison in seconds." Sarelin gave the animal another stroke. "Maybe she''s got a point. With the whole realm thinking I''m about to collapse, there''s some who''d like me to collapse faster." Some moments arrived like a break in a song: pauses between beats that were not prearranged but opened up of their own accord, when the musicians drew breath. Lysande was looking at Sarelin, and then, in the space between words, she was aware of everything that she had agonized over since the hunt returned: all the possibilities, suspicions, and doubts, culminating in last night''s reading. Sentences needled her mind. She should at least say something. A hint about the panther. The animal was not the problem, but as for the associations that her research had thrown up . . . there was a certain name that you did not say, if you were wise, and Lysande was already bargaining with herself. When Sarelin was well enough to bark a greeting at the guards; when Sarelin was slamming the door of her suite and making the swords trembling in their brackets; when the queen''s cheeks were flushed, then, she would bring up the possibility that the panther''s attack had not been a coincidence. Sarelin downed the goblet of vivantica in one go, shuddering, and reached underneath one of the platters. "I know it''s late, but take this as the second half as your gift-day present." "Sarelin, you cannot-" "How dare you tell a queen what she cannot do?" Sarelin thrust a box under Lysande''s nose, her face half-split with a smile. Lysande opened the lid. The feather dazzled her eyes. Every barb was star-bright; the stem shone, painted gold and whittled to a point. She lifted the quill out of the box. The first half of the present had been a gold dagger, presented a week ago, on the day that marked twenty-two years since she was found. She had never understood how the silverbloods expected her to celebrate that day, as if her childhood were a play with a magnificent ending. The problem with nobles was that they could not imagine a genre aside from heroic drama. What kind of story was it if your parents had abandoned you in a carpenter''s shop during the war, a naked child in a room of blazing wood-tragicomedy? Or farce? But the dagger. That was worth celebrating. Sarelin''s present had carved straw enemies in the target range. Lysande turned her gaze to the quill now. Squinting, she made out her own face in the surface of the feather. The frown and the straggling mane of hair glimmered in reflection; she really should have combed her hair this morning, but at least the glinting, deathstruck lock was hidden beneath the other strands. "You''re spoiling me," she said. "It''s an exchange. You''re going to copy out the news of my recovery." "Ah. Of course I am." "Anyway . . . there''s no better scholar. Haven''t I said it enough times? You''re the girl who translated the Silver Songs, Lys. The girl with the quill." Those were the same words Sarelin had spoken the day she had visited the schoolroom of the orphanage, the day that she had questioned each child about the history of Elira. I''ll take the girl with the quill, she had said. Lysande swallowed. She placed the quill back in its hollow. In the pit of her stomach, unsaid things circled around and around and kicked, and every warning she had rehearsed in the last two days strained to get out. "And you''re taking care of the envelope for me," Sarelin said slowly, holding Lysande''s gaze. "That deserves a reward." It would not help, to run her hand over the envelope again. It would not aid her one jot to take it out and gaze at it-if overthinking could have made her feel confident, she would already be a worriless scholar. Lysande hugged Sarelin, her fingers interlacing behind the silver breastplate. There were too many chalices and pl


Author E.J. Beaton
Language English
Year 2021
ISBN-10 075641699X
ISBN-13 9780756416997
Format Hardcover
Pages 448
Place of Publication New York
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2021-03-02
NZ Release Date 2021-03-02
US Release Date 2021-03-02
UK Release Date 2021-03-02
Publisher Astra Publishing House
Publication Date 2021-03-02
Imprint DAW Books
DEWEY 823.92
Audience General
