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Phineas Redux

Anthony Trollope 
(1815 - 1882)

Phineas Finn is the fourth in Trollope's series of six Palliser novels. At the end of Phineas Finn, the second novel in the series, Phineas had returned to Ireland and married his childhood sweetheart after having left the House of Commons. As Phineas Redux opens, Phineas is working as a Poorhouse Inspector in Ireland. His wife having died in childbirth, he finds his existence dull and unsatisfying. Phineas' returns to England; his career advances and his romantic adventures continue, while we encounter many familiar characters including Glencora and Plantagenet Palliser, Madame Goesler, and Lizzie Eustace and her husband the Reverand Mr. A Emelius. (Summary by Karen Merline)

Novels in the Series
1-Can You Forgive Her?
2-Phineas Finn, the Irish Member
3-The Eustace Diamonds
4-Phineas Redux
5-The Prime Minister
6-The Duke’s Children

Read by Multiple Readers

Run Time 25 Hours 23 Minutes in 21 Audio CDs

1 01 - Temptation - 27:29
2 02 - Harrington Hall - 23:17
3 03 - Gerard Maule - 11:21
4 04 - Tankerville - 14:36
5 05 - Mr. Daubeny's Great Move - 27:56
6 06 - Phineas and His Old Friends - 20:59
7 07 - Coming Home from Hunting - 17:15
8 08 - The Address - 16:21
9 09 - The Debate - 12:12
10 10 - The Deserted Husband - 26:49
11 11 - The Truant Wife - 16:02
12 12 - Koenigstein - 26:04
13 13 - I have got the seat - 19:42
14 14 - Trumpeton Wood - 19:00
15 15 - How well you knew! - 09:58
16 16 - Copperhouse Cross and Broughton Spinnies - 29:33
17 17 - Madame Goesler's Story - 12:19
18 18 - Spooner of Spoon Hall - 18:40
19 19 - Something Out of the Way - 18:55
20 20 - Phineas Again in London - 24:19
21 21 - Mr Maule, Senior - 24:43
22 22 - Purity of morals, Finn - 18:45
23 23 - Macpherson's Hotel - 18:22
24 24 - Madame Goesler is Sent For - 11:55
25 25 - I would do it now - 18:48
26 26 - The Duke's Will - 12:48
27 27 - An Editor's Wrath - 17:48
28 28 - The First Thunderbolt - 26:01
29 29 - The Spooner Correspondence - 20:25
30 30 - Regrets - 19:53
31 31 - The Duke and Duchess in Town - 13:00
32 32 - The World Becomes Cold - 24:51
33 33 - The Two Gladiators - 27:02
34 34 - The Universe - 19:40
35 35 - Political Venom - 15:56
36 36 - Seventy Two - 15:40
37 37 - The Conspiracy - 25:31
38 38 - Once Again in Portman Square - 16:30
39 39 - Cagliostro - 18:03
40 40 - The Prime Minister is Hard Pressed - 22:16
41 41 - I hope I'm not distrusted - 16:21
42 42 - Boulogne - 22:31
43 43 - The Second Thunderbolt - 15:30
44 44 - The Browborough Trial - 20:13
45 45 - Some Passages in the Life of Mr. Emilius - 21:34
46 46 - The Quarrel - 22:54
47 47 - What became of the quarrel - 19:46
48 48 - Mr. Maule's Attempt - 18:52
49 49 - Showing what Mrs. Bunce said to the policeman - 20:51
50 50 - What the Lords and Commons Said about the Murder - 12:08
51 51 - You think it shameful - 18:12
52 52 - Mr. Kennedy's Will - 23:52
53 53 - None but the brave deserve the fair - 26:11
54 54 - The Duchess Takes Counsel - 16:51
55 55 - Phineas in Prison - 20:48
56 56 - The Meager Family - 11:24
57 57 - The Beginning of the Search for the Key and the Coat - 16:17
58 58 - The Two Dukes - 18:11
59 59 - Mrs. Bonteen - 20:14
60 60 - Two Days Before the Trial - 24:01
61 61 - The Beginning of the Trial - 19:49
62 62 - Lord Fawn's Evidence - 17:12
63 63 - Mr Chaffanbrass for the Defence - 17:07
64 64 - Confusion in the Court - 14:13
65 65 - I hate her! - 12:13
66 66 - The Foreign Bludgeon - 11:40
67 67 - The Verdict - 30:10
68 68 - Phineas after the Trial - 17:18
69 69 - The Duke's First Cousin - 25:09
70 70 - I will not go to Loughlinter - 27:50
71 71 - Phineas Finn is re-elected - 15:32
72 72 - The End of the Story of Mr Emilius and Lady Eustace - 11:12
73 73 - Phineas Finn Returns to His Duties - 13:26
74 74 - At Matching - 18:21
75 75 - The Trumpeton Feud is Settled - 11:47
76 76 - Madame Goesler's Legacy - 25:28
77 77 - Phinease Finn's Success - 26:15
78 78 - The Last Visit to Saulsbry - 21:49
79 79 - At Last--At Last - 13:13
80 80 - Conclusion - 06:37

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.