
For acne and pimples, gently rub in a small amount. If it feels sticky, wipe it off with a towel or gauze.
For cuts (like knife cuts, abrasions, puncture wounds), clean the area and then apply the ointment. Oronine H Ointment disinfects the wound and prevents infection.
For mild burns, apply the ointment on the affected area and cover with gauze to prevent infection.
Use for cuts from knives or razors. The antiseptic properties of Oronine H Ointment will prevent infection.
For athlete's foot, it's effective to rub in the ointment after a bath, but remember to do it daily and consistently. However, it's not suitable for weeping or moist types of athlete's foot.
Use Oronine H Ointment for jock itch, ringworm, and other fungal infections.
You might have experienced unexpected injuries in the mountains or at the sea. Oronine H Ointment is not just for home use; it's also handy as a travel medicine for outings and trips.
For winter skin problems like chapped skin, frostbite, and cracked skin, rub the ointment well after water-related tasks, after a bath, and before going to bed.