Formula by Khabir Southwick, 61, [Registered] Integrative Ayurveda Doctor & [herbal] Pharmacist, a clinical herbalist at 


For CHRONIC constipation and especially dry and hard stools,   

#1 Colon formula is used for serious constipation, where there is no movement for more than a day. 

For a slightly less strong formula, get MEDIUM STRENGTH COLON CLEANSE #4, and for a more gentle formula, get GENTLE COLON CLEANSE #3

**** Please read the description of each formula before purchasing. Each of the colon formulas are for a unique state of colon health.  Pick 1 formula and work with it.   Sorry, no refunds. Just get a stronger or weaker formula next time (There are five versions).

For someone who can go a few days without a bowel movement. These 50 capsules are enough to clean out the small and large intestines.  Dosages should be reduced over time.  Since diet, digestion, and food choices are the root causes of constipation, A Zoom appointment with Khabir would be a more holistic treatment. 

The formula is strong with both Senna and Cascara Sagrada. Once one capsule works get formula number 4 next.  

Take one capsule the first night to judge the results. 

Then, increase by one capsule each night until your bowels move. 

Then, keep taking the required amount for a week or so, and then gradually reduce. 

100% Organic: Senna Leaf, Casara Segrada

50 AA vegetarian capsules. 

(Don’t use if the colon is inflamed, pregnant, or under 12 YO)

Intestinal Formula - All Organic**Zero Fillers or Binders


This product has been successfully used for years in the clinics of Khabir Southwick aka Herbman, a Registered Herbal Pharmacist and an Ayurvedic Doctor. For advanced or complex health conditions, this tea will provide relief as indicated; however, in such cases, a [Zoom or private] appointment with Khabir is recommended. For details, visit

What makes Herb Man Teas unique and highly effective is that they have been formulated by Khabir Southwick aka Herb Man, a world-renowned herbal pharmacist who has been in private practice for almost 30 years with health clinics in the USA.  These products have been tested, refined, and used in clinical practice for decades. For details, visit:

WARNING: Anyone can put organic loose tea in a bag and make claims about it.  However, knowledge of herbal pharmacology and traditional formulas is required to make a good formula.   A great formula requires years of feedback from patients to refine and improve. Unfortunately, most products sold online are based on the "it should work" approach from online research, not experience.   

"Herb Man Teas, maybe the best herbal teas on the planet! "

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