*First Time ever Sale!   A "One of a Kind" of a Custom Dragon Corvette "Races" a Custom Ford Maverick!
Done by on Facebook debuted smart guy first idea creator me, Onoo wojciechowski ( https://www.facebook.com/ Onoo.wojciechowski  ) 
Hi my name is Steven Wojciechowski / Onoo I am The One of a Kind Artist that makes these 
"One of a Kind Scene Art Forms!" I Create Ideas, Invent Product ideas & Things! to market Online!, 
& Make these Cool Rock Balance Coin Art Scene Sculptures! My customers love to have their Cars & Trucks 
Trapped in a Visual Form of its moment of Glory !. I made this type of Art Up I Hope you Like Them! 
I have Strategically managed with some Serious Skills to Trap in time the Beauty and Essence of the Performing
 Automobiles in their Finest Moments! at Micro Scale, 
"This Scene Sculpture is Made to debut a Custom Chevy CORVETTE & a Ford MAVERICK at the Race starting line, taking off!
It is made from Millions of years old Pre Cambrian Canadian Shield Granite Ore cruched to make Concrete!
It is held together with Indestructible Epoxies!
The Piece Highlights The only 3 Canada Centennials Penny's ever minted,  
the 1967 Dove, 1892-1992, and the dateless obverse face 2002. 
The only Penny ever made Dateless!  all made to look like they were Run over by a Car Tire?  Noway!!!
on the Bottom there is Highlighted in Red Circles also having the Protective resin Bubbles, 3 different Queens,
one for 3 different ages of Elizabeth's reign. Then Custom in Black on a Resin Asphalt protected Heart is 
the last Canada Penny minted 2012. Godda love the Asphalt & Concrete for this One!
Also it has a Custom Gold Painted & Pinstriped Pen, & is all mounted on a Black Board!
I Hope you Like It!  I have many different category's and Styles to Choose from, 
Any Vehicle setting you think I can fit on your desk or Shelf! 
If you would like a Nice gift for yourself or someone else made with your Specific Favourite Car or Truck in a 
action Scene or setting, maybe with your matching Birthyear Penny or someone else's on it? 
Leave me an ebay message! or find me on Facebook at Onoo wojciechowski
Looking forward to hearing from you
Have a Great Day!   
 Ps No Matter what Ebay software Prints!      
and I SHIP Anywhere In the World My Masterpiece is Purchased!