The Ludwig Classic Maple Downbeat shell pack delivers the iconic Ludwig sound in a sleek, new White Abalone wrap finish. With its all-maple shells and proprietary construction methods perfected over decades, the Classic Maple provides the resonant, balanced tone that works for any genre. The included sizes of 12x8" and 14x14" rack toms, along with the 20x14" kick drum, offer a versatile setup for playing rock, pop, jazz and more.

Resonant All-Maple Shells Crafted With Ludwig's Signature Methods
At the core of the Classic Maple Downbeat kit are Ludwig's 7-ply, 6 mm all-maple shells. The proprietary manufacturing techniques allow precise control over the wood's vibrations for Ludwig's signature tone. The shells use a 3-ply inner core sandwiched between 2-ply outer plies
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Ludwig Classic Maple 3-Piece Downbeat Shell Pack 20 in. Bass Drum White Abalone

item# 1500000420316

The Ludwig Classic Maple Downbeat shell pack delivers the iconic Ludwig sound in a sleek, new White Abalone wrap finish. With its all-maple shells and proprietary construction methods perfected over decades, the Classic Maple provides the resonant, balanced tone that works for any genre. The included sizes of 12x8" and 14x14" rack toms, along with the 20x14" kick drum, offer a versatile setup for playing rock, pop, jazz and more.

Resonant All-Maple Shells Crafted With Ludwig's Signature Methods

At the core of the Classic Maple Downbeat kit are Ludwig's 7-ply, 6 mm all-maple shells. The proprietary manufacturing techniques allow precise control over the wood's vibrations for Ludwig's signature tone. The shells use a 3-ply inner core sandwiched between 2-ply outer plies. Ludwig's Radio Frequency Shell Technology evenly cures the wood for stability across the drum. The precision 45-degree bearing edges provide a wide tuning range and maximum sustain. When you play the Classic Maple Downbeat kit, you'll feel the resonant maple shells come alive.

Stunning White Abalone Wrap Finish

Ludwig has produced a special limited run of the Classic Maple Downbeat kit for 2024, finished in an eye-catching White Abalone wrap. The unique pearl-like finish gleams under stage lighting for a high-end look. As a limited edition, the White Abalone wrap also makes the Classic Maple Downbeat kit a collector's item. The beautiful finish will inspire your playing.

Hardware for Stability and Precise Adjustments Onstage

The Classic Maple Downbeat kit includes Ludwig's Atlas suspension mount system for the 12x8" rack tom and Triad floor tom brackets with isolation feet for stability. You can position each drum exactly where you want it. The bass drum also has Ludwig's Elite spurs for secure positioning on any surface. With the Classic Maple Downbeat's pro-quality hardware, you can focus on your performance, not your setup.