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Shifting Gears

by Ryan O'Reilly

Sometimes in life you hit plateaus where you know deep down that there must be something more, but you aren t sure what it is. It can feel like you re stuck in neutral--revving the engine as hard as you can, but not going anywhere. It s frustrating, to say the least!

Brand New

Publisher Description

Sometimes in life you hit plateaus where you know deep down that there must be something more, but you aren t sure what it is. It can feel like you re stuck in neutral--revving the engine as hard as you can, but not going anywhere. It s frustrating, to say the least!

Author Biography

As a professional speaker and executive coach, Ryan helps business leaders and entrepreneurs build high performing teams, break through plateaus and realize their true potential. Ryan worked for 15 years as a sales leader for three Fortune 100 Tech Companies including Apple and Dell and has worked in California, Australia, UK & Ireland. Taking that experience with him Ryan now follows his true passion--helping others drive forward and reach their dreams. Ryan is also an adventure cyclist and keen marathoner and uses the lessons he learns from sports in his keynote speeches, workshops and 1:1 coaching sessions.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: DriveChapter 2: TrustChapter 3: FearChapter 4: PotentialChapter 5: Skills and AptitudeChapter 6: Self-DevelopmentChapter 7: VisionChapter 8: ProgressionChapter 9: RiskChapter 10: ConfidenceChapter 11: Personal RelationshipsChapter 12: LeadershipChapter 13 Fulfillment


If you have ever felt frustrated & stressed out at work. "Shifting Gears" will shine a light on the real problems and give you the tools to move forward towards your true potential.

Long Description

Sometimes in life you hit plateaus where you know deep down that there must be something more, but you aren t sure what it is. It can feel like you re stuck in neutral--revving the engine as hard as you can, but not going anywhere. It s frustrating, to say the least!

Promotional "Headline"

If you have ever felt frustrated & stressed out at work. "Shifting Gears" will shine a light on the real problems and give you the tools to move forward towards your true potential.

Excerpt from Book

It's the morning of my first triathlon. The pre race buzz was starting to electrify in the early hours, as the competitors arrived, mingled, checked in and got their bikes ready for transition. For me, sleep hadn't bothered to visit me the night before. Once I park the car, I immediately switch my iPod on. Anything to get me focused. High tempo. Rock. Loud. I was about to enter the ring and face my fear. I was focused and confident. This was my first real competitive swim. My first fifty-meter pool swim. My first swim in deep water. A morning of firsts. Three months of swim training in an eighteen-meter pool with no deep end had increased this non-swimmers confidence in actually swimming and doing it well. I was pumped, but well outside "comfortable". So it was important this fear was surpassed so I could get on with my long awaited triathlon career. My stomach was churning since early the day before, that unsettled feeling when we are about to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. I hate comfort zones, no idea where or why this started, but I've always pushed myself, trying to break my limits. I hate failure. But when I fail, it's always spectacular and always burns me for a while. The fifty-meter pool had daunted me the week before in practice, enough to make me stop half way and panic. I had worked hard all week on being mentally focused on the task at hand. Rhythm, focus, you want this, I kept repeating to myself all week. I felt focused and assured I was here to get a job done. 700M swim. Not that far for anyone who has swam all their lives, and probably some would laugh at the thought of being this intimidated by a "small swim in a pool." This was the day, I was going to put to sleep all those experiences and build the confidence to be a good swimmer. I wanted to be capable of swimming a decent distance. This fear wasn't going to get the better of me. I am stronger than that. The bike and the run are my strengths. I had no worries about those two events. But the swim--that was another story. I sat at the side of the pool before my wave started. Staring at the water. I could feel the anxiety build and I was actively trying to manage it. This was big for me. 700 meters I thought- I've done this in training. Let's do it! Water could hurt me--it had nearly killed me! You see years ago I had three instances of nearly drowning that really scared me. Never learning to swim till I was in my 30's. So here I was about to face my biggest fear. Water. Drowning. The psychological scars of the past were about to be tackled. It was time to shift gears.

Description for Sales People

If you're stuck in neutral, "Shifting Gears" will help you: Shine a light on road blocks that keep you stuck Build your confidence so that you can venture out of your comfort zone Harness your drive and motivation to accelerate success

Description for Press or Other Media

"Shifting Gears" podcast show on itunes and stitcher that will have weekly guests (famous and and successful people). Podcast guests will be sharing the interviews with their audiences/platforms across the globe. Plan is to have a weekly podcast then build a platform of listeners that will be signing up via email--the book will be marketed to these people. Podcast interviews with other podcast hosts. Free copies to the interviewees and ask them to promote on social media (twitter etc). will have a sign up page and the book will be marketed on the site also. As a motivational speaker, Ryan will be speaking internationally on topics within the book. Ryan already is in demand for speaking and has his own coaching business. Multinational Business connections for motivational speeches--Ryan will be plugging the book at every opportunity. Speaking about shifting gears and topics within the book to my current list of business clients. Book Launch in Cork, Ireland--local book shop here holding a book launch with media and book reviewers invited. Building a platform for my speaking business. Excerpts and quotes from the book and interviewees to be shared on social media. Press Releases when the book is launched. A virtual book tour. Social Media: Twitter (@ryanoreillyint) Facebook: Ryanoreillyinternational. Linkedin. Website. Ryan's top 20 influencers that he knows and is connected with. Local radio interviews, national press, radio and tv interviews in Ireland and the UK.


Language English
ISBN-10 1630478547
ISBN-13 9781630478544
Media Book
Format Hardcover
Year 2016
Subtitle How to Harness Your Drive to Reach Your Potential and Accelerate Success
Country of Publication United States
Illustrations Illustrations, black and white
Imprint Morgan James Publishing llc
NZ Release Date 2016-09-01
US Release Date 2016-09-01
Publication Date 2016-09-01
UK Release Date 2016-09-01
Author Ryan O'Reilly
Pages 174
Publisher Morgan James Publishing llc
Audience General
AU Release Date 2016-08-15
