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by Adam Makos


"A band of brothers in an American tank . . . Makos drops the reader back into the Pershing's turret and dials up a battle scene to rival the peak moments of Fury."
—The Wall Street Journal

From the author of the international bestseller A Higher Call comes the riveting World War II story of an American tank gunner's journey into the heart of the Third Reich, where he will meet destiny in an iconic armor duel—and forge an enduring bond with his enemy.

When Clarence Smoyer is assigned to the gunner's seat of his Sherman tank, his crewmates discover that the gentle giant from Pennsylvania has a hidden talent: He's a natural-born shooter.

At first, Clarence and his fellow crews in the legendary 3rd Armored Division—"Spearhead"—thought their tanks were invincible. Then they met the German Panther, with a gun so murderous it could shoot through one Sherman and into the next. Soon a pattern emerged: The lead tank always gets hit.

After Clarence sees his friends cut down breaching the West Wall and holding the line in the Battle of the Bulge, he and his crew are given a weapon with the power to avenge their fallen brothers: the Pershing, a state-of-the-art "super tank," one of twenty in the European theater.

But with it comes a harrowing new responsibility: Now they will spearhead every attack. That's how Clarence, the corporal from coal country, finds himself leading the U.S. Army into its largest urban battle of the European war, the fight for Cologne, the "Fortress City" of Germany.

Battling through the ruins, Clarence will engage the fearsome Panther in a duel immortalized by an army cameraman. And he will square off with Gustav Schaefer, a teenager behind the trigger in a Panzer IV tank, whose crew has been sent on a suicide mission to stop the Americans.

As Clarence and Gustav trade fire down a long boulevard, they are taken by surprise by a tragic mistake of war. What happens next will haunt Clarence to the modern day, drawing him back to Cologne to do the unthinkable: to face his enemy, one last time.

Praise for Spearhead

"A detailed, gripping account . . . the remarkable story of two tank crewmen, from opposite sides of the conflict, who endure the grisly nature of tank warfare."
—USA Today (four out of four stars)

"Strong and dramatic . . . Makos established himself as a meticulous researcher who's equally adept at spinning a good old-fashioned yarn. . . . For a World War II aficionado, it will read like a dream."
—Associated Press  

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Author Biography

Hailed as "a masterful storyteller" by the Associated Press, Adam Makos is the author of the New York Times bestsellers A Higher Call and Spearhead and the critically acclaimed Devotion. Inspired by his grandfathers' service, Makos chronicles the stories of American veterans in his trademark fusion of intense human drama and fast-paced military action, securing his place "in the top ranks of military writers," according to the Los Angeles Times. In the course of his research, Makos has flown a World War II bomber, accompanied a Special Forces raid in Iraq, and journeyed into North Korea in search of an MIA American airman.


"A band of brothers in an American tank . . . Makos drops the reader back into the Pershing's turret and dials up a battle scene to rival the peak moments of Fury. . . . A thoroughly enjoyable battle story, and a tribute to the everyman warrior."
—Jonathan W. Jordan, The Wall Street Journal

"A detailed, gripping account . . . the remarkable story of two tank crewmen, from opposite sides of the conflict, who endure the grisly nature of tank warfare."
—George Petras, USA Today (four out of four stars)

"This singular book is redolent with war. I cannot remember another narrative in which my abiding sensory experience was tasting grit and smelling smoke so often."
—Philip Kopper, The Washington Times

"Engrossing . . . a war story and a mystery."

"An amazing book." 
—Fox News

"A superb book that combines a firsthand look at war with a story of healing."
—Sandra Dallas, The Denver Post
"Strong and dramatic . . . Makos established himself as a meticulous researcher who's equally adept at spinning a good old-fashioned yarn. . . . For a World War II aficionado, it will read like a dream."
—Kim Curtis, Associated Press  

"This is narrative history at its best, told by a master storyteller."
—Col. Cole Kingseed, Army magazine

"Well-written and fast-paced, Spearhead is the story of a band of brothers from the 3rd Armored and is highly recommended."
—American Rifleman magazine

"[A] dramatic, haunting true story."
—AARP The Magazine

"A compelling, exciting adventure . . . an in-the-moment re-creation of the Allied breakthrough of the West Wall into Nazi Germany by a remarkable cadre of tank crewmen of the 3rd Armored Division."
—Kirkus Reviews

"An engaging story of blood, sweat and tears . . . a wonderful homage to the Greatest Generation."
—David Kindy, The Providence Journal

"The tension, death, and courage that were everyday experiences for American tankers fill the pages of Makos's book. This moving story of bravery and comradeship is an important contribution to WWII history that will inform and fascinate both the general reader and the military historian."
—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Review Quote

"A band of brothers in an American tank . . . Makos drops the reader back into the Pershing's turret and dials up a battle scene to rival the peak moments of Fury . . . . A thoroughly enjoyable battle story, and a tribute to the everyman warrior." -- Jonathan W. Jordan, The Wall Street Journal "A detailed, gripping account . . . the remarkable story of two tank crewmen, from opposite sides of the conflict, who endure the grisly nature of tank warfare." -- George Petras, USA Today (four out of four stars) "This singular book is redolent with war. I cannot remember another narrative in which my abiding sensory experience was tasting grit and smelling smoke so often." --Philip Kopper, The Washington Times "Engrossing . . . a war story and a mystery." --CNN "An amazing book." --Fox News "A superb book that combines a firsthand look at war with a story of healing." -- Sandra Dallas, The Denver Post "Strong and dramatic . . . Makos established himself as a meticulous researcher who's equally adept at spinning a good old-fashioned yarn. . . . For a World War II aficionado, it will read like a dream." -- Kim Curtis, Associated Press "This is narrative history at its best, told by a master storyteller." --Col. Cole Kingseed, Army magazine "Well-written and fast-paced, Spearhead is the story of a band of brothers from the 3rd Armored and is highly recommended." -- American Rifleman magazine "[A] dramatic, haunting true story." -- AARP The Magazine "A compelling, exciting adventure . . . an in-the-moment re-creation of the Allied breakthrough of the West Wall into Nazi Germany by a remarkable cadre of tank crewmen of the 3rd Armored Division." --Kirkus Reviews "An engaging story of blood, sweat and tears . . . a wonderful homage to the Greatest Generation." -- David Kindy, The Providence Journal "The tension, death, and courage that were everyday experiences for American tankers fill the pages of Makos's book. This moving story of bravery and comradeship is an important contribution to WWII history that will inform and fascinate both the general reader and the military historian." -- Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Excerpt from Book

Chapter 1 The Gentle Giant September 2, 1944 Occupied Belgium, during World War II Twilight fell on a country crossroads. The only sounds came from insects buzzing in the surrounding blue fields, and something else. Metallic. The sound of hot engines ticking and pinging, decompressing after a long drive. With silent efficiency, tank crewmen worked to rearm and refuel their tired Sherman tanks before the last hues of color fled the sky. Crouched behind the turret of the leftmost tank, Corporal Clarence Smoyer carefully shuttled 75mm shells into the waiting hands of the loader inside. It was a delicate job--even the slightest clang could reveal their position to the enemy. Clarence was twenty-one, tall and lean with a Roman nose and a sea of curly blond hair under a knit cap. His blue eyes were gentle, but guarded. Despite his height, he was not a fighter--he had never been in a fistfight. Back home in Pennsylvania he had hunted only once--for rabbit--and even that he did halfheartedly. Three weeks earlier he''d been promoted to gunner, second in command on the tank. It wasn''t a promotion he had wanted. The platoon was in place. To Clarence''s right, four more olive-drab tanks were fanned out, "coiled," in a half-moon formation with twenty yards between each vehicle. Farther to the north, beyond sight, was Mons, a city made lavish by the Industrial Revolution. A dirt road lay parallel to the tanks on the left, and it ran up through the darkening fields to a forested ridge, where the sun was setting behind the trees. The Germans were out there, but how many there were and when they''d arrive, no one knew. It had been nearly three months since D-Day, and now Clarence and the men of the 3rd Armored Division were behind enemy lines. All guns faced west. Boasting 390 tanks at full strength, the division had dispersed every operational tank between the enemy and Mons, blocking every road junction they could reach. Survival that night would hinge on teamwork. Clarence''s company headquarters had given his platoon, 2nd Platoon, a simple but important mission: guard the road, let nothing pass. Clarence lowered himself through the commander''s hatch and into the turret, a tight fit for a six-foot man. He slipped to the right of the gun breech and into the gunner''s seat, leaning into his periscopic gun sight. As he had no hatch of his own, this five-inch-wide relay of glass prisms and a 3x telescopic gun sight mounted to the left of it would be his windows to the world. His field of fire was set. There would be no stepping out that night; it was too risky even to urinate. That''s what they saved empty shell casings for. Beneath Clarence''s feet, the tank opened up in the hull, with its white enamel walls like the turret''s and a trio of dome lights. In the bow, the driver and bow gunner/assistant driver slid their seats backward to sleep where they had ridden all day. On the opposite side of the gun breech from Clarence, the loader stretched a sleeping bag on the turret floor. The tank smelled of oil, gunpowder, and a locker room, but the scent was familiar, even comforting. Ever since they''d come ashore, three weeks after D-Day, this M4A1 Sherman had been their home in Easy Company, 32nd Armor Regiment, of the 3rd Armored Division, one of the army''s two heavy tank divisions. Tonight, sleep would come quickly. The men were exhausted. The 3rd Armored had been charging for eighteen days at the head of the First Army, leading two other divisions in the breakout across northern France. Paris had been liberated, the Germans were running back the way they''d come in 1940, and the 3rd Armored was earning its nom de guerre: the Spearhead Division. Then came new orders. The reconnaissance boys had spotted the German Fifteenth and Seventh Armies moving to the north, hightailing it out of France for Belgium and on course to pass through Mons''s many crossroads. So the 3rd Armored turned on a dime and raced north--107 miles in two days--arriving just in time to lay an ambush. The tank commander dropped into the turret and lowered the split hatch covers, leaving just a crack for air. He slumped into his seat behind Clarence, his boyish face still creased by the impression of his goggles. Staff Sergeant Paul Faircloth of Jacksonville, Florida, was also twenty-one, quiet and easygoing, with a sturdy build, black hair, and olive skin. Some assumed he was French or Italian, but he was half Cherokee. As the platoon sergeant, Paul had been checking on the other crews and positioning them for the night. Normally the platoon leader would do this, but their lieutenant was a new replacement and still learning the ropes. For two days Paul had been on his feet in the commander''s position, standing halfway out of his hatch with the turret up to his ribs. From there he could anticipate the column''s movements to help the driver brake and steer. In the event of a sudden halt--when another crew threw a track or got mired in mud, for instance--Paul was always the first out of the tank to help. "I''m taking your watch tonight," Clarence said. "I''ll do a double." The offer was generous, but Paul resisted--he could handle it. Clarence persisted until Paul threw up his hands and finally swapped places with him to nab some shut-eye in the gunner''s seat. Clarence took the commander''s position, a seat higher in the turret. The hatch covers were closed enough to block a German grenade, but open enough to provide a good view to the front and back. He could see his neighboring Sherman through the rising moonlight. The tank''s squat, bulbous turret looked incongruous against the tall, sharp lines of the body, as if the parts had been pieced together from salvage. Clarence snatched a Thompson submachine gun from the wall and retracted the bolt. For the next four hours, enemy foot soldiers were his concern. Everyone knew that German tankers didn''t like to fight at night. Partway through Clarence''s watch, the darkness came alive with a mechanical rumbling. The moon was smothered by clouds and he couldn''t see a thing, but he could hear a convoy of vehicles moving beyond the tree-lined ridge. Start and stop. Start and stop. The radio speaker on the turret wall kept humming with static. No flares illuminated the sky. The 3rd Armored would later estimate there were 30,000 enemy troops out there, mostly men of the German Army, the Wehrmacht, with some air force and navy personnel among them--yet no order came to give pursuit or attack. That''s because the battered remnants of the enemy armies were bleeding precious fuel as they searched for a way around the roadblocks, and Spearhead was content to let them wander. The enemy was desperately trying to reach the safety of the West Wall, also known as the Siegfried Line, a stretch of more than 18,000 defensive fortifications that bristled along the German border. If these 30,000 troops could dig in there, they could bar the way to Germany and prolong the war. They had to be stopped, here, at Mons, and Spearhead had a plan for that--but it could wait until daylight. Around two a.m. the distinctive slap of tank tracks arose from the distant rumble. Clarence tracked the sounds--vehicles were coming down the road in front of him. He knew his orders--let nothing pass--but doubt was setting in. Maybe this was a reconnaissance patrol returning? Had someone gotten lost? They couldn''t be British, not in this area. Whoever they were, he wasn''t about to pull the trigger on friendly forces. One after the other, three tanks clanked past the blacked-out Shermans and kept going, and Clarence began to breathe again. Then one of the tanks let off the gas. It began turning and squeaking, as if its tracks were in need of oil. The sound was unmistakable. Only full-metal tracks sounded like that, and a Sherman''s were padded with rubber. The tanks were German. Clarence didn''t move. The tank was behind him, then beside him. It slowed and sputtered then squeaked to a stop in the middle of the coiled Shermans. Clarence braced for a flash and the flames that would swallow him. The German tank was idling alongside him. He''d never even hear the gun bark. He would just cease to exist. A whisper shook Clarence from his paralysis. It was Paul. Without a word, Clarence slipped back into the gunner''s seat and Paul took over. Clarence strapped on his tanker''s helmet. Made of fiber resin, it looked like a cross between a football helmet and a crash helmet, and had goggles on the front and headphones sewn into leather earflaps. He clipped a throat microphone around his neck and plugged into the intercom. On the other side of the turret, the loader sat up, wiping the sleep from his eyes. Clarence mouthed the words German tank. The loader snapped wide-awake. From his hatch, Paul tapped Clarence on the right shoulder, the signal to turn the turret to the right. Clarence hesitated. The turret wasn''t silent, what if the Germans heard it? Paul tapped again. Clarence relented and turned a handle, the turret whined, gears cranked, and the gun swept the dark. When the gun was aligned broadside, Paul stopped Clarence. Clarence pressed his eyes to his periscope. Everything below the skyline was inky black. Clarence told Paul he couldn''t see a thing and suggested they call in armored infantrymen to kill the tank with a


Author Adam Makos
Pages 416
Language English
Year 2020
ISBN-10 0804176744
ISBN-13 9780804176743
Format Paperback
Short Title Spearhead
Subtitle An American Tank Gunner, His Enemy, and a Collision of Lives in World War II
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2020-05-19
NZ Release Date 2020-05-19
US Release Date 2020-05-19
Place of Publication New York
UK Release Date 1900-01-01
Publisher Random House USA Inc
Publication Date 2020-05-19
Imprint Ballantine Books Inc.
Audience General
