
Focusing on the remarkable vitality supported by royal jelly from queen bees.

Royal jelly is a product created by the collaboration of bees and the power of nature. It has been valued by people around the world who seek health and beauty. The allure lies in the rich nutrients contained in royal jelly. Despite being born from the same egg, queen bees that consume royal jelly surpass worker bees, with a body size more than 3 times larger and a lifespan about 40 times longer. Moreover, they continue to lay approximately 2000 eggs※ per day. Royal jelly is truly the source of the queen bee's vitality. Suntory has recognized the power of royal jelly, known as "Nature's Comprehensive Nutrition Food."

Carefully selecting high-quality royal jelly with over 40 types of nutrients.

Royal jelly contains over 40 types of nutrients, including the B-vitamin group, essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own, and essential minerals even in trace amounts. Food with such a diverse array of nutrients is rarely found in the natural world. Suntory meticulously selects only reliable royal jelly under thorough quality control.

Incorporating sesamin, an ingredient that contributes to youthfulness.

Suntory has incorporated sesamin, a rare health ingredient found in less than 1% of a single sesame seed, revealed through over 30 years of research. By including sesamin, it has been confirmed that it protects the unique component of royal jelly, "decanoic acid," and suppresses its decline. You can simultaneously intake high-quality royal jelly supporting a vibrant and healthy body and sesamin, which contributes to youthful vitality.