Von Professor Henry S. Okazaki & John K. Cahill Sr.

Die DVD umfasst folgenden Inhalt:

Folgenden Inhalt hat diese tolle DVD:
Shinin No Maki is the advance techniques of Professor Henry S. Okazaki usually practiced by Black Belt students. There are 36 techniques so it is in two separate DVDs Shinin No Maki Part 1 and Shinin No Maki Part 2. Unless you have completed the other techniques of the Danzan Ryu (ada Kodenkan) System you will have no idea what this is all about, especially trying to learn from a DVD. You must enroll into a school that teaches this system. Professor Sig Kufferath was very knowledgeable on the advance techniques especially the Shinin No Maki arts, most of the techniques on this DVD is done by his students, especially Hans Ingebretsen and Dale Kahoun. Also included in this video are other advanced techniques as well as some self-defense arts. Participants: Professor David Jennings, Joe DeBattista, Hans Ingebretsen, Dale Kahoun, Annette Kahoun, Alex Sydnor, Noah Harders, Jeremy Stanley and special guests Imi Okazaki-Mullins and Myrtle Okazaki-Oberman.

Die Techniken werden sehr verständlich vorgeführt.

In englischer Sprache (ohne Englischkenntnisse leicht verständlich).

Gesamtspielzeit: 47 Minuten'

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