Attention! The color at the photo may slightly differ from the real one. It depends on your monitor settings and lighting conditions during photo shooting. "Dream Catcher" is an Indian talisman that was widespread among the indigenous people of North America. According to the legend this amulet is able to protect the sleeping person from nightmares which demons and evil spirits bring. No wonder that the Indians themselves call this talisman a "spider" because its threads, stretched over a round base symbolize a cobweb in which bad dreams should get entangled while good dreams can reach their master through the hole in the center of the composition. The legend of the Lakota people says that once a tribal elder climbed a mountain, where he met a great teacher who took the form of a spider. While they had a conversation the teacher took a willow twig and bent it into a ring so he could then weave a web inside it. When the work was completed he said: “There are many roads which a person moves - everyone chooses his own path. And at every moment of life a person is possessed by passions. If they are good they direct him on the right path and if they are evil, then the person goes on the wrong path. The spider web is a perfect circle, but there is a hole in the very center. Good thoughts will pass through the center to the person. Evil thoughts will become entangled in a web and disappear at dawn”. Initially, "dream catchers" were made from harsh threads, reindeer veins, willow twigs and bird feathers. Kit includes: - figured perforated workpiece made of plastic; - wooden round frames (2pcs); - beads "PRECIOSA"; - floss for decoration; - monofibre thread and 2 needles for bead embroidery; - instruction for bead embroidery; - a printed pattern for embroidery on paper indicating the colors and the number of beads used in the kit. The kit is packed in a bag with a euro loop. Dimensions: 10*25 cm / 3.94*9.84 in. Number of colors: 5. Number of beads: 2790.