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by Elana Wolff

Winner of the Canadian Jewish Literary Award for PoetryThe poems in Swoon speak to the steady wending of a life's thematic drama: the falling / rising permutations across biographical phases. Indications are filtered through relationship, encounter, art, the natural world, and dream. Associations coalesce in a rhythmic clocking of feeling / thought. Randomness and accident may have a part to play, destiny and mystery, too; suggestion of a plot. There's storyline unfolding that resists a denouement.

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The poems in Swoon speak to the steady wending of a life's thematic drama: the falling / rising permutations across biographical phases. Indications are filtered through relationship, encounter, art, the natural world, and dream. Associations coalesce in a rhythmic clocking of feeling / thought. Randomness and accident may have a part to play, destiny and mystery, too; suggestion of a plot. There's storyline unfolding that resists a denouement.

Author Biography

Elana Wolff has published five collections of poetry with Guernica Editions, including You Speak to Me in Trees, awarded the F.G. Bressani Prize for Poetry and most recently, Everything Reminds You of Something Else. She is also the author of Implicate Me, a collection of essays on contemporary poems; co-author with the late Malca Litovitz of Slow Dancing: Creativity and Illness (Duologue and Rengas); and co-editor with Julie Roorda of Poet to Poet: Poems written to poets and the stories that inspired them. A bilingual edition of Elanas selected poems, Helleborus & Alchémille (Éditions du Noroît), was awarded the 2014 John Glassco Prize for Translation (translator: Stéphanie Roesler). Elana has taught English for Academic Purposes at York University in Toronto and at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She currently divides her professional time between writing, editing, and designing and facilitating social art courses.


"Elana Wolff's poems yearn for transcendence, but they are too wise to expect it in the form of a lightning bolt. Instead they deftly evoke insights glimpsed on the periphery, the small startlings and veil-liftings that connect us to each other, to nature, to memory, to ideas beyond human understanding. Wherever they travel, they leave my senses tingling." -- Adam Sol, author of How a Poem Moves: A Field Guide for Readers of Poetry
"Yes, you don't want to keep this Wolff from thy door! Yes, you want to let her injust as you want to let in sunlight and fresh airbecause "Love is loopy like that. / Like punching Sun, / getting drubbed, blessing the light // that blinds." You want to delve into and collect the proverbs, "Remarkable yet ordinary: glass in a wooden casement." This goddess Wolff hath instructions for Life, for Liberty: "A poet tried his life at vice and stayed / as guileless as a child ..." (O, Blake is prowling, pouncing, pronounce!) Do learn that "Those enfolded in / feeling are like those with no emotion at all: demolished." Wolff's tracks approach the scriptural: "I call it cunning: I like the femininity of that word, / its verbal noun-ness." So much wisdom is here for you to swoon overwith all-consuming Desire, with unfaltering Consummation, headlong and reckless, in the wreaking, in the taking; with unsullied shimmeringeven with Threatthe ungovernable coffinalways impeding, aye, my darling!" -- George Elliott Clarke, 7th Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada (2016 & 2017)
"These poems, "Suffering efficiently the light," hold us to witness and to account. They render the inner and outer worlds we seek to navigate each day. Their sensory intimacies, especially their sonic landscapes, near and far in space and time, resonate with elemental and existential messages. Their rigor and tenderness mix mysteriously, unsettlingly. They are water, night, flight, rest, memory, dream. Read them and know." -- Sandra Barry, author of Elizabeth Bishop: Nova Scotia's Home-Made Poet
"With Swoon, Elana Wolff unveils long-held personal experiences, and wraps them in words that bring them into today and #MeToo awareness. Difficult elements from the past are balanced beautifully by her careful observations of birds and the cycles of nature. Whether praising or chastising the world, language is key, with the movement from one poem to the next as natural as breathing." -- Heidi Greco, author of Practical Anxiety

Review Quote

Elana Wolff's poems yearn for transcendence, but they are too wise to expect it in the form of a lightning bolt. Instead they deftly evoke insights glimpsed on the periphery, the small startlings and veil-liftings that connect us to each other, to nature, to memory, to ideas beyond human understanding. Wherever they travel, they leave my senses tingling. --Adam Sol, author of How a Poem Moves: A Field Guide for Readers of Poetry These poems, "Suffering efficiently the light," hold us to witness and to account. They render the inner and outer worlds we seek to navigate each day. Their sensory intimacies, especially their sonic landscapes, near and far in space and time, resonate with elemental and existential messages. Their rigor and tenderness mix mysteriously, unsettlingly. They are water, night, flight, rest, memory, dream. Read them and know.--Sandra Barry, author of Elizabeth Bishop: Nova Scotia?s Home-Made Poet With Swoon, Elana Wolff unveils long-held personal experiences, and wraps them in words that bring them into today and #MeToo awareness. Difficult elements from the past are balanced beautifully by her careful observations of birds and the cycles of nature. Whether praising or chastising the world, language is key, with the movement from one poem to the next as natural as breathing. --Heidi Greco, author of Practical Anxiety Yes, you don't want to keep this Wolff from thy door! Yes, you want to let her in--just as you want to let in sunlight and fresh air--because "Love is loopy like that. / Like punching Sun, / getting drubbed, blessing the light // that blinds." You want to delve into and collect the proverbs, "Remarkable yet ordinary: glass in a wooden casement." This goddess Wolff hath instructions-- for Life, for Liberty: "A poet tried his life at vice and stayed / as guileless as a child ..." (O, Blake is prowling, pouncing, pronounce!) Do learn that "Those enfolded in / feeling are like those with no emotion at all: demolished." Wolff?s tracks approach the scriptural: "I call it cunning: I like the femininity of that word, / its verbal noun-ness." So much wisdom is here for you to swoon over--with all-consuming Desire, with unfaltering Consummation, headlong and reckless, in the wreaking, in the taking; with unsullied shimmering--even with Threat--the ungovernable coffin--always impeding, aye, my darling! --George Elliott Clarke, 7th Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada (2016 & 2017)


Author Elana Wolff
Pages 85
Year 2020
ISBN-10 1771835079
ISBN-13 9781771835077
Language English
Format Paperback
Series Number 272
Imprint Guernica Editions,Canada
Place of Publication Toronto
Country of Publication Canada
Publication Date 2020-05-01
UK Release Date 2020-05-01
Publisher Guernica Editions,Canada
Series Essential Poets series
DEWEY 811.54
Audience General
AU Release Date 2020-09-07
