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 (204 - 270)

(234 - 305)

Translated by Kenneth Guthrie
 (1871 - 1940)

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Running Time: 54:11:56 in 3 MP3 Audio CDs
The six Enneads (ΕΝΝΕΑΔΕΣ) are the collected writings of the Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus (ΠΛΩΤΙΝΟΣ) arranged by his student Porphyry (ΠΟΡΦΥΡΙΟΣ) into fifty-four books with each Ennead containing nine. The translator Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie arranged these books chronologically rather than according to Porphyry's numeration. This recording is organized according to Porphyry's numeration with Roman numerals indicating the Ennead and Hindu-Arabic numerals indicating the book e.g. VI.9 would be the ninth book of the sixth Ennead.

00 - Forward
01 - I.1 The Organism and the Self
02 - I.2 Concerning Virtue
03 - I.3 Of Dialectic, or the Means of Raising the Soul to the Intelligible World
04 - I.4 Whether Animals May Be Termed Happy
05 - I.5 Does Happiness Increase With Time?
06 - I.6 Of Beauty
07 - I.7 Of the First Good, and of the Other Goods  
08 - I.8 Of the Nature and Origin of Evils
09 - I.9 Of Suicide
10 - II.1 Of the Heaven
11 - II.2 About the Movement of the Heavens
12 - II.3 Whether Astrology is of any Value
13 - II.4 Of Matter
14 - II.5 Of the Aristotelian Distinction Between Actuality and Potentiality
15 - II.6 Of Essence and Being
16 - II.7 About Mixture to the Point of Total Penetration
17 - II.8 Of Sight; or of Why Distant Objects Seem Small
18 - II.9a That the Creator and the World are Not Evil
19 - II.9b Against the Gnostics
20 - III.1 Concerning Fate
21 - III.2a Of Providence
22 - III.2b Of Providence
23 - III.3 Continuation of That on Providence
24 - III.4 Of Our Individual Guardian
25 - III.5 Of Love, or 'Eros'
26 - III.6a Of the Impassibility of Incorporeal Entities  
27 - III.6b Soul and Matter
28 - III.7a Of Eternity
29 - III.7b Of Time
30 - III.8 Of Nature, Contemplation and Unity
31 - III.9 Fragments About the Soul, the Intelligence, and the Good
32 - IV.1 Of the Being of the Soul  
33 - IV.2 How the Soul Mediates Between Indivisible and Divisible Essence
34 - IV.3a Are Not All Souls Parts or Emanations of a Single Soul?
35 - IV.3b Why and How do Souls Descend into Bodies?
36 - IV.3c Does the Soul Employ Discursive Reason While Discarnate?  
37 - IV.4a Questions About the Soul
38 - IV.4b Questions About the Soul
39 - IV.4c Questions About the Soul
40 - IV.5 About the Process of Vision and Hearing
41 - IV.6 Of Sensation and Memory
42 - IV.7a Of the Immortality of the Soul
43 - IV.7b Of the Immortality of the Soul
44 - IV.8 On the Descent of the Soul Into the Body
45 - IV.9 Whether All Souls Form a Single One
46 - V.1 The Three Principal Hypostases, or Forms of Existence
47 - V.2 Of Generation, and of the Order of things that Rank Next After the First
48 - V.3a The Self-Consciousnesses, and What is Above Them
49 - V.3b The Self-Consciousnesses, and What is Above Them
50 - V.4 How What is After the First Proceeds Therefrom; of the One  
51 - V.5 That Intelligible Entities Are Not External to the Intelligence of the Good  
52 - V.6 The Superessential Principle Does Not Think
53 - V.7 Do Ideas of Individuals Exist
54 - V.8 Concerning Intelligible Beauty  
55 - V.9 Of Intelligence, Ideas and Essence
56 - VI.1a Of the Ten Aristotelian Categories
57 - VI.1b Of the Ten Aristotelian Categories
58 - VI.1c Criticism of the Stoic Categories
59 - VI.2a The Categories of Plotinos  
60 - VI.2b The Categories of Plotinos  
61 - VI.3a Plotinos's Own Sense-Categories
62 - VI.3b Plotinos's Own Sense-Categories
63 - VI.3c Plotinos's Own Sense-Categories
64 - VI.4a The One Identical Essence is Everywhere Entirely Present
65 - VI.4b The One Identical Essence is Everywhere Entirely Present
66 - VI.5 The One Identical Essence is Everywhere Entirely Present
67 - VI.6a Of Numbers
68 - VI.6b Of Numbers
69 - VI.7a How Ideas Multiply  
70 - VI.7b How Ideas Multiply
71 - VI.7c A Study of the Good
72 - VI.7d A Study of the Good  
73 - VI.8a Of the Will of the One  
74 - VI.8b Of the Will of the One
75 - VI.9a Of the Good and the One
76 - VI.9b Of the Good and the One  
77 - Life of Plotinos by Porphyry I-VII
78 - Life of Plotinos by Porphyry VIII-XVIII
79 - Life of Plotinos by Porphyry XIX-XXIV
80 - Life of Plotinos by Eunapius & Suidas
81 - Porphyry's Commentary - Part 1
82 - Porphyry's Commentary - Part 2  
83 - Psychological Fragments
84 - PS1 Development in the Teachings of Plotinos
85 - PS2 Platonism: Significance, Progress, and Results
86 - PS3 Plotinos's View of Matter
87 - PS4 Plotinos's Creation of the Trinity
88 - PS5 Resemblances to Christianity
89 - PS6 Plotinos's Indebtedness to Numenius
90 - PS7 Value of Plotinos

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