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A short history of Arezzo city. Ediz. bilingue

Autore: Tognaccini Luca

Titolo: A short history of Arezzo city. Ediz. bilingue

Editore: Youcanprint

Pagine: 78

Ean: 9791222700403

ATTENZIONE in rari casi l'immagine del prodotto potrebbe differire da quella riportata nell'inserzione


This booklet, the work of a local teacher and history enthusiast, summarizes the whole parable of Arezzo, the glorious Tuscan City, from prehistory to the present day. It is an agile informative monograph, designed not only for schools, but also for all travellers, tourists and foreign students who, visiting Arezzo or staying there, are interested in knowing its very long history in its essential features. The English translation (with the original text opposite) is intended to serve these categories of readers in particular. If you want to know the history of the city of Mecenate, Guido d'Arezzo (alias Guido Monaco), Francesco Petrarca, Piero della Francesca and Giorgio Vasari, read this booklet.


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