Human and Animal FilariasesRonald Kaminsky

Art Nr.: 3527346597

ISBN 13: 9783527346592

Subtitle: Landscape, Challenges, and Control

Release year: 2022

Published by: Wiley-VCH Gmbh

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 253x175x38 mm

Pages: 628

Weight: 1366 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Ronald Kaminsky


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The holistic view on combating filarial parasites in humans and in animals covers diagnosis, current and future therapies, as well as supplementary approaches such as vector control and vaccination.
Information of Author
Ronald Kaminsky is a widely-recognized expert in the discovery and development of antiparasitic drugs with an extensive history of research on trypanosomiasis in Africa and Switzerland. He served as Head of Parasitology Research at Novartis Animal Health from 2006-2014 and is currently a consultant for antiparasitic drug discovery in the animal health sector. Dr. Kaminsky has authored more than 100 publications and received numerous awards during his career in academia and industry.Timothy Geary is the former Director of the Institute of Parasitology at McGill University. Prior to joining the faculty at McGill in 2005, he spent 20 years in parasitology research in the animal health industry (Upjohn/Pharmacia/Pfizer). The author of more than 225 publications in the pharmacology of antiparasitic drugs and drug discovery and development, Prof. Geary serves as a consultant to many animal health companies and other organizations.Paul M. Selzer studied Biology, Parasitology, and Biochemistry at the University of Tübingen, Germany, where he also received his PhD in Biochemistry. During his career he has worked as a researcher and scientific manager for several pharmaceutical companies, and is currently holding a management position in antiparasitic drug discovery at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. He is also a visiting professor at the Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry of the University of Tübingen, DE and an honorary professor of the Department of Infection, Immunity, and Inflammation at the University of Glasgow, UK.
Chemie / Medizin Biologie Mensch / Biologie Biowissenschaften Life Sciences Chemie / Technik, Werkstoffe, Berufe, Industrie Chemische Industrie Industrie / Chemische Industrie Neurowissenschaft Neurologie Neurologie / Neurophysiologie Neurophysiologie Physiologie / Neurophysiologie Tiermedizin (allgemein) Veterinärmedizin Biowissenschaften Chemie Chemistry Filarien Life Sciences Parasitologie Parasitology Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry Pharmazeutische u. Medizinische Chemie Veterinärmedizin Veterinärmedizin / Mikrobiologie,Parasitologie,Infektionen,Immunologie Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Microbiology, Parasitology,Infectious Diseases & Immunology