Trading at the Speed of Light - Donald Mackenzie

Art Nr.: 0691211388

ISBN 13: 9780691211381

SubTitle: How Ultrafast Algorithms Are Transforming Financial Markets

ReleaseYear: 2021

Published by: Princeton University Press

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 237x161x34 mm

Pages: 304

Weight: 652 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Donald Mackenzie



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In today's financial markets, trading floors on which brokers buy and sell shares face-to-face have increasingly been replaced by lightning-fast electronic systems that use algorithms to execute astounding volumes of transactions. Trading at the Speed of Light tells the story of this epic transformation. Donald MacKenzie shows how in the 1990s, in what were then the disreputable margins of the US financial system, a new approach to trading automated high-frequency trading or HFT began and then spread throughout the world. HFT has brought new efficiency to global trading, but has also created an unrelenting race for speed, leading to a systematic, subterranean battle among HFT algorithms. Focusing on the material, political, and economic characteristics of high-frequency trading, Trading at the Speed of Light offers a unique glimpse into its influence on global finance and where it could lead us in the future.

Information of Author

Donald MacKenzie is professor of sociology at the University of Edinburgh. His books include Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance and An Engine, Not a Camera: How Financial Models Shape Markets.