Miguel Barclay's Super Easy One Pound Meals - Miguel Barclay

Art Nr.: 1472254392

ISBN 13: 9781472254399

ReleaseYear: 2018

Published by: Headline Publishing Group

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 228x184x20 mm

Pages: 208

Weight: 613 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Miguel Barclay



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Simple ingredients + 1 pan = stress-free meals. Over 100 brand-new and mouthwatering recipes by the One Pound Chef.With his trademark ingenuity and budget-friendly style, Miguel has created mouthwatering meals that are made as simply as possible. There are tasty stews, curries and chillies of course, but Miguel has taken this concept one step further with traditionally more complicated recipes, such as a lasagne, a roast dinner and a sweet potato pie. All are made from start to finish in just one pan, (a few recipes need a second pan to boil rice, potatoes or pasta). If you have a small kitchen, can't be bothered with scrubbing pots or just want hassle-free meals, this is the book for you. Minimum fuss, maximum flavour, and all for £1 per person.