The name and appearance suggest that it's the famous SDD-1000 delay, but you don't see the word "KORG" on it. :) 

This is indeed a very interesting and extremely rare item. The manufacturer listed on the label is an unknown entity called Fortissimo. However, it is actually a custom-made unit produced in the late 80s. As we can see on the board, it was manufactured in Kharkiv, Ukraine, right where the hottest war zone currently is :( In the 80s, KORG equipment was inaccessible in the Soviet system, so these were produced illegally. As far as I know from the internet, around 200 units of such devices were made.

But the bad news is that it's unfortunately non-functional. I can say that it was fully functional in my hands 17 years ago, then it sat unused in my studio storage for about 15 years, and now, when I'm forced to sell my entire analog collection, I discovered that it doesn't work. 

When powered on, there's a loud transformer hum physically audible from the chassis, and there's also a loud low-frequency background noise coming from the outputs. I believe the issue lies in the transformer inside, which may have deteriorated from sitting idle for so long. I haven't attempted any repairs myself, all the boards and components are in their proper places.

I've objectively set a very low price, and for an audio enthusiast, it could definitely be an adventure to repair and acquire such a rare piece for their collection.