This is a timeless piece of literature that is sure to captivate any reader. A manuscript filled with illustrated pages, this book is a true treasure that would be a valuable addition to any collection. The story of Uncle Remus and his songs and sayings is a beloved classic that has been enjoyed by generations. This particular copy is an original edition printed in New York by Grosset & Dunlap in 1921.

Written by Joel Chandler Harris, this hardcover book is in good shape. The illustrations by A.B. Frost add a special touch to the manuscript, making it a unique and special piece. The book also has some special attributes that make it stand out, such as its subject matter, which is geared towards children, and its antiquarian and collectible categories. Overall, this is a must-have for any collector or lover of classic literature.

Book has quite a bit of wear on each side of the spine, some staining on the side pages. It has folds on the inner cover. Please see photos. Actual shipping to US destinations.