Tribulus Terrestris TEA Detox Libido & Testosterone BOOSTER
100g BAG
Latin name: Herba Tribulus terrestris

Sexual disorders - impotence, increase libido in men and women with infertility, as well for practitioners in fitness and bodybuilding. For women in menopause; reduce cholesterol.

Internal under the form of decoction is accepted under the scheme.

in 1 l of water are placed 5 tablespoons of the herb.
The mixture boil for 1 hour, then have to be strained and make up to 1 l., then kept for 24 hours in a refrigerator.

- First day drink 3 times 3 tablespoons after meals.
- Second day drink 3 times 4 tbsp.
- Third day drink 5 tablespoons and this dose is retrieved to the end.
After 10 days dosing can be repeated.

Tribulus herb (100%)

bag 100 g