Burp Less (3) Fish Oil 2000 mg per serving is a dietary supplement that provides 300 mg Omega-3 fatty acids per softgel to help support a healthy heart. A serving of two   Fish Oil Omega 3 softgels provides 2000 mg Fish Oil with 600 mg Omega-3s (500 mg EPA and DHA). Sourced from high quality ingredients, these gluten free and dairy free Fish Oil 2000mg per serving Omega-3 softgels have no color added and no artificial flavors. These Omega 3 Fish Oil softgels are purified to remove mercury (2) from wild-caught ocean fish, not farm-raised fish. Adults, take two of these Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements daily with water and a meal. For those who don’t consume fish regularly, an Omega 3 supplement like fish oil  can help provide Omega 3 Fish Oil for men and women. Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. (See nutrition information for total fat and cholesterol content).  Omega 3 supplements are quality you can trust. (2)Purified to remove PCBs, dioxins and furans, and mercury to ensure levels below 0.09 ppm, 2 ppt WHO TEQs, and 0.1 ppm respectively. (3)Coated to reduce fish burps. *Based on a 2022 survey of pharmacists who recommend branded vitamins and supplements.CAUTION: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have blood clotting issues, consult your physician before use.