100% Original Stamps

Thailand 1961 - Air Mail - Asia 5 Stamps Used Registered Cover from Hospital

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    Collecting of LAOS stamps over the years is not only an acquaintance with history, but also a profitable investment
     The history of mail and postage stamps of Laos, located in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina peninsula [1], is conditionally divided into periods of colonial dependence on France (before 1945), after the declaration of independence (1945-1960), the civil War (1960-1975) and the Lao People's Democratic Republic (since 1975).[2] Laos is one of the member countries of the Universal Postal Union (since 1952).[3]
    Postcard of France (1931). Laos (Indochina section) at the International Colonial Exhibition in Paris. Library building and pagoda

        1 Colonial period
        2 Independent Laos
            2.1 First postage stamps
            2.2 Topics of issues
    3 Modernity
        4 Other types of postage stamps
        5 Regional emissions
            5.1 Releases of the Valley of Pitchers
            5.2 Stamps of the Patriotic Front
        6 Philatelic Bureau
        7 Brand catalogs
        8 Falsifications
    9 See also
        10 Notes
        11 Links

    Colonial period

    The history of the Lao post at the initial stage was closely connected with the fact that the Kingdom of Laos was a protectorate of France and from 1893 to 1945 was part of French Indochina.[1][2] During this stage, postage stamps of French Indochina were used in the postal circulation of French Laos.
    Independent Laos

    The independence of Laos was proclaimed in 1945, and since then this state has been developing an independent postal service. Until 1951, postage stamps of French Indochina continued to be used here, and then they started issuing their own stamps.[1][4] Laos became a member of the Universal Postal Union on May 20, 1952.[3]
    The first postage stamps

    The first stamps of Laos were prepared in Paris and issued on November 13, 1951.[1][2][5] It was a series of stamps of 12 denominations.[2]

    In 1952, the first issue was supplemented with five more stamps. In addition, the first four airmail stamps (Scott #C1—C4) appeared on April 13. At the same time, three of them (Scott #C2—C4), as well as all 17 stamps of the usual type (Scott #1-17) were issued in the form of postal blocks, one stamp in the middle of each block. All 26 blocks were pamphletted and sold as commemorative — to commemorate the anniversary of the release of the first stamps of Laos.[2]

    A total of 135 postage stamps, 7 additional stamps and 29 blocks were issued from 1951 to 1963. These early stamps of Laos had inscriptions as in French ("Union française. Royaume du Laos" — "French Union. Kingdom of Laos"; "Postes" — "Mail"; "Timbre-taxe" — "Surcharge stamp"), and in Lao languages.[6]
    Issue topics

    Lao stamps have been issued regularly since 1952. They were dedicated to Lao folklore, mythology, architecture, animals and flora, national dress, etc.

    A series of two denominations was notable, marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the CPSU and the Soviet state, V. I. Lenin. On the stamps that were printed in Moscow on Goznak, a reproduction of L. Shmatko's painting "V. I. Lenin at the GOELRO map" was placed.[2]

    In 1975, an agreement was signed between the Lao Post Office and the American Philatelic Agency, which issued three series of stamps in July of the same year.[2]:

        in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union,
        in connection with the Apollo—Soyuz space flight and
    the 200th anniversary of the United States.

    These stamps were made both with teeth and without teeth, and some of them were on gold foil. The series was accompanied by the releases of 24 blocks. At the same time, all three series were speculative in nature: they had circulation within the country in very limited quantities, while their main circulation went on sale abroad.

    In total, during the royal rule in Laos, about 450 stamps and 70 blocks were issued (not counting the toothless variants).[2]
    Custom-issued Laos Postage Stamp, 1986 (Scott #746)

    On December 3, 1975, the state became known as the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), which was reflected in the change of the country's name on Lao postage stamps. During the first year after the change of power in the country, stamps of the Kingdom of Laos remained in circulation, on which the words fr. "Royaume du" ("Kingdom") they were crossed out with ink or paint in various ways — with a colored pencil, ballpoint pen, etc. Letters with such stamps pasted on them are of philatelic value.[2][7]

    The first post miniatures of the Lao PDR with the inscription "Peoples' Democratic Republic of Laos" ("Lao People's Democratic Republic") appeared on December 2, 1976.[1] The series dedicated to the first anniversary of the republic, which took a course to build socialism, included stamps of five denominations, as well as a postal block. In the middle of the same month, a series of six stamps (with and without teeth) and four blocks with images of Lao architectural monuments were put into circulation.[2]

    Continuing the socialist theme, Laos celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution in 1977 with a commemorative series of stamps and two blocks.[1] Stamps and a block were also printed on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin (1980) and in honor of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU (1981). On other stamps of this period, you can see stories and events from the life of the country, the successes of the Lao people on the way to building a socialist society.[2]

    In 2000, the Lao Post Office, Enterprise des Postes Lao, entered into an agreement for the production and sale of Lao postage stamps with the Thai company Collector Syndicate Co., Ltd., which has since printed Lao postage stamps in an average of 50-100 thousand copies, and postal blocks in circulations of 30 thousand pieces.[8]

    Many Lao stamps enter the philatelic market in the form of repaid by order (CTO — cancelled-to-order).[9]
    Other types of postage stamps

    Airmail stamps were first issued on April 13, 1952 (Scott #C1—C4) and were issued up to and including 1986; their total number is 121 stamps (not counting many blocks). In addition, on May 1, 1970, two airmail postal charity stamps were issued to help the victims of the war (Scott #CB1, CB2). For this purpose, surcharges were overprinted on two 1969 airmail stamps (Scott #C56, C57).

    On July 14, 1953, the first postal charity stamps were issued to the Red Cross Foundation (Scott #B1-B3).[1][4] After that, postal charity issues were made in 1960, 1967 (twice) and 1970.[4]

    In 1952, the first six additional stamps (Scott #J1—J6) were published, to which one stamp was added in 1953 (Scott #J7). Another issue of additional stamps was made on October 31, 1973 (Scott #J8—J11).[4]

    Self—adhesive parcel stamps went into circulation on June 7, 2000 (Scott #Q1—Q6) and August 14, 2003 (Scott #Q7-Q10).[4]
    Regional emissions
    Releases of the Valley of Pitchers

    After the outbreak of the civil war, the central government under the leadership of Souvanna Phouma and his successors lost control in 1961 over the strategically important area of the Valley of Pitchers (Siang Khuang) and then over two-thirds of the Lao territory, which were occupied by the Pathet Lao forces. For these areas, in July — August 1961, stamps with denominations from 0.50 to 20 bales were manufactured and began to be used in postal circulation. On the miniatures symbolizing the unity of the people, soldiers of three branches of the armed forces with a banner and women of three nationalities were painted. The inscription "Kingdom of Laos" was given on stamps in French and Lao. These stamps first entered circulation in Siengkhuang, the main city of Siangkhuang Province (later destroyed), and were subsequently issued in other post offices and used throughout the country.[2][10]
    Stamps of the Patriotic Front

    In 1974, stamps of the Lao Patriotic Front were issued in the areas liberated during the civil War. The series of postal miniatures of seven denominations (10-60 kips) that came into circulation depicted scenes from the life of the population and inscriptions were made in the Lao language. These stamps were used in 1975 throughout Laos after the proclamation of the Lao PDR, until they were replaced by official issues of the republic.[1][2]
    Philatelic Bureau

    The distribution of Lao postage stamps on the international market is handled by a special bureau organized at the country's post office at:

        Bureau de Philatelie, Avenue Lane Xang, 01000 Vientiane, Laos

    The Philatelic Bureau has an official website created and maintained by Collector Syndicate Co., Ltd.[11]
    Brand catalogs

    In addition to the description of Lao stamps in the main world catalogs ("Scott", "Stanley Gibbons", "Michael", "Iver and Tellier"), there are two specialized catalogs for postal and other issues of this country:

        Catalog of stamps of Laos (1951-2001), published by Collector Syndicate Co., Ltd.:

            Lao Stamp Catalogue 1951—2001. — Thai British Security Printing Public Co. Ltd., 2001. — 128 p. (English) (Accessed September 21, 2010)

        A catalog of fiscal stamps of Indochina, including fiscal stamps of Laos and prepared by the Indochina Philatelic Society based in the USA:

            Indo-China Revenue Stamp Catalog: CD-ROM. — 2nd edn. — The Society of Indo-China Philatelists, 2008. (English) (Accessed September 21, 2010)

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    Dear collectors! are working for you and it's very important for us, that you can always find and buy in our store exactly what you are looking for and dreaming about. Therefore, if you do not succeed in finding the item, let us know and we will find and order the product you are interested in.


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