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Blast me bagpipes! It's the richest duck in the world! In 2022, Scrooge McDuck celebrates 75 years. 

Coin Highlights:

Scrooge McDuck
In 1947, Scrooge McDuck made his first appearance in the Disney comic "Christmas on Bear Mountain" where he began his role as Donald Duck's uncle. In this first story, he appears much more like his namesake, Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol, where his bitterness and dislike for humanity is on full display. However, further development of the character would make him into the more likable and outgoing business tycoon we've come to know and love. In cartoon form, Scrooge would be portrayed as a Scottish-American based in the fictional city of Duckburg. Scrooge is the founder of McDuck Enterprises and calls himself an "adventure capitalist." His treasure-seeking exploits were the subject of many episodes of the cartoon series DuckTales. While known for his exclamatory one-liners and opulent displays of over-the-top wealth, Scrooge's curmudgeonly ways center mostly on demanding high standards of those around him. The Scrooge we know today is fiercely loyal to his family and more benevolent with his wealth than his name implies. The most classic depictions of Scrooge are of him swimming in piles of Gold in his giant money bin in Duckburg.