Add some excitement to your toy soldier collection with these beautifully painted plastic two-humped camels from Britains Deetail. These accessories are perfect for creating a realistic scene of desert warfare or a peaceful oasis in your diorama. At a scale of 1:32, these camels are intricately detailed and boast exceptional craftsmanship. Made in the United Kingdom, they are a testament to British ingenuity and creativity. These wild animals are perfect for any toy soldier enthusiast or collector, and will make a great addition to your Britains or Timpo collection.Please note the  scenery/building/people / displaying the sale of the item specified is NOT IN THE SALE [such as a tree or people next to a vehicle] this is to show you the scale and how the item looks in that arenaPlease note the  scenery/building/people / displaying the sale of the item specified is NOT IN THE SALE [such as a tree or people next to a vehicle] this is to show you the scale and how the item looks in that arena