The current flash drive that you will receive is a Micro Center 32GB 3.0 USB drive formatted with Ventoy exFat filesystem.
You can also send me an Ebay message at the same time place your order asking for 1 more free Linux distro to be included for you on the USB.
AntiX is a very small Linux system and it is compatible with 32 bit computers.
I would recommend backing up your PC files with Clonezilla.
Kali Linux is a security focused distribution.
If your computer is struggling to boot up you should mt86 to see if your RAM is failing.
You can download many different systems over an ethernet port with netbootxyz.
The Amnesic Incognito Live System all networking in this system is connected through Tor.
Default Linux distro is Ubuntu LTS for good reason it has all the hardware support.
Ventoy Live CD allows you to create a Ventoy disk out of another flash drive.