Node-RED and Raspberry Pi Pico WPeter Dalmaris

Art Nr.: 3895765880

ISBN 13: 9783895765889

Subtitle: From basics to flows for sensors, automation, motors, MQTT, and cloud services

Release year: 2024

Published by: Elektor Verlag

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 240x170x32 mm

Pages: 528

Weight: 968 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Peter Dalmaris


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This book is a learning guide and a reference. Use it to learn Node-RED, Raspberry Pi Pico W, and MicroPython, and add these state-of-the-art tools to your technology toolkit. It will introduce you to virtual machines, Docker, and MySQL in support of IoT projects based on Node-RED and the Raspberry Pi Pico W.
Information of Author
Dr Peter Dalmaris is an educator, an electrical engineer, an electronics hobbyist, and a Maker. He is the creator of online video courses on DIY electronics and the author of several technical books. Peter¿s mission is to explore technology and help educate the world.
MicroPython Microcontroller Node-RED Programming Raspberry Pi Pico