Blueberry Summers : Growing Up at the Lake, Paperback by Anderson, Curtiss, ISBN 1681340542, ISBN-13 9781681340548, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

&#34;I would begin thinking about summer on our lake as early as Easter. Yes, it was our lake, not just the lake.&#34;<br><br>In this classic story of a midwestern boyhood, Curtiss Anderson takes readers into the colorful lives of his robust Norwegian family and their wonderfully familiar summerscape in northern Minnesota: the lake place. Sweet childhood reminiscences comprise this coming-of-age memoir set in the poignant summers of the 1930s and &#39;40s. Conversations on the porch with Dear Old Aunt Ingaborg, a heavily accented relative from the Old Country. A budding romance and heartbreak with young Sarah, who lived across the lake. Wild blueberry picking behind Turnaround Island. Joyful tales devoted to the cherished dogs he had outlived&#8212;old Shep and Mickey, Nebby, and feisty Bunny. And fond memories of Clara and Leigh, the loving couple who treated the budding writer as if he was their own child.<br><br>Anderson revisits the notes and letters he scripted as a boy, originally recorded on his hand-me-down Underwood typewriter&#8212;his first foray into what would become a distinguished publishing career&#8212;to offer <em>Blueberry Summers</em>. Here, the nationally recognized editor offers a funny and warm story of experiences that inspire the imagination.