Dragon Fruit Best Fresh Cuttings Quality Delicious Fruit Organic Multi Species

If you re looking for an otherworldly fruit to grow in a night blooming plant with large fragrant flowers the dragon fruit cactus also known as pitahaya is a bright pink leathery skin with thorn like fins. is In addition to producing nutritious and showy fruit these fast growing perennial cacti also have ornamental value in your outdoor landscape. The plants grow to several feet tall and produce aerial roots that allow them to cling to surfaces giving rise to their creeping climbing habit. Smaller varieties of dragon fruit cacti are also grown as houseplants.

Although dragon fruit plants enjoy warm weather and are often planted in full sun excessive sunlight in dry and especially hot areas can damage the stems. If the temperature in your area is always close to 100 degrees Celsius it is best to plant your cactus in a partial shade.

The Soil
Dragon fruit cacti are not fussy when it comes to soil type or pH level. The main thing is that the soil is moist rich in organic matter and well drained. Apply mulch around the base of the plant especially in dry areas to help retain moisture in the soil.

Of Water
Although the dragon fruit plant is drought tolerant to obtain a good fruit crop it is best to water continuously from the beginning of flowering until harvest. However overwatering risks root rot and various fungal diseases. In winter and early spring give the plant less water.

Temperature And Humidity
While dragon fruit plants are native to tropical regions they will survive in areas that experience cold weather especially if that freeze is long. Temperatures of 65 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius are considered the highest growing conditions.

Dragon fruit cacti are fast growers and heavy feeders. During their first year fertilize every two months with a complete balanced fertilizer one with a high nutrient content. Once the plants are well established they should do well with several applications of fertilizer in the spring and summer. Additionally amend the soil with compost or organic matter several times a year.

Pruning your dragon fruit cactus is key to reducing fungal disease and insect infestation. Uncontrolled growth leads to poor light penetration for tangled central stems which affects fruit production. Regular pruning encourages lush flowering and prevents the plant from weighing down the trellis. Plan to periodically cut back any excessively long damaged tangled or dead stems two or three times a year. If you re lucky or have a young plant you ll be able to get away with a single annual pruning session after you've harvested the fruit.

Here s How To Plant Dragon Fruit From Cuttings
Plant the cuttings down in a container filled with well draining potting mix. Water it lightly and keep it moderately moist. Once the cutting starts to root test by gently pulling on it gradually move it to a more sunny location. The cuttings will take 4 to 6 months to develop a good root system after which they are ready to be planted in the landscape or in larger pots. When the cuttings are planted you can get a harvest within one to three years.

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