Various Artists - Psalms to Live By [New CD] 3 Pack

Artist: Various Artists

Title: Psalms to Live By


Format: CD

Release Date: 2017

Label: Paraclete Press

UPC: 709887140020

Genre: Classical Artists

Album Tracks

1. Psalm 24, Anglican Chant
2. Psalm 40: I Waited Patiently for the Lord, for Chorus & Organ
3. Psalm 122 for Chorus & Organ "I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me"
4. Psalm 91: Whoso Dwelleth Under the Defence of the Most High, for Chorus & Organ
5. Psalm 55: Hear My Prayer, O God (After Clarke), for Chorus & Organ
6. Psalm 63: O God, Thou Art My God, for Chorus & Organ
7. Psalm 84: O How Amiable Are Thy Dwellings, for Chorus & Organ
8. Psalm 116: My Delight Is in the Lord, for Chorus & Organ
9. Psalm 23 for Chorus & Organ: The Lord Is My Shepherd
10. Psalm 18: I Will Love Thee, O Lord, My Strength, for Chorus & Organ
11. Psalm 56: Be Merciful Unto Me, O God, for Chorus & Organ
12. Psalm 90: Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Refuge, for Chorus & Organ
13. Psalm 139: O Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me Out, and Known Me, for Chorus & Organ
14. Psalm 121 "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes"
15. Psalm 31: In Thee, O Lord, Have I Put My Trust, for Chorus & Organ
16. Psalm 20: The Lord Hear Thee in the Day of Trouble, for Chorus & Organ
17. Psalm 30: I Will Magnify Thee, O Lord, for Chorus & Organ
18. Psalm 115: Not Unto Us, O Lord, Not Unto Us, for Chorus & Organ
19. Psalm 46 "God Is Our Hope & Strength", for Chorus & Organ
20. Psalm 96, "O Sing Unto the Lord a New Song", for Chorus
21. Psalm 118: O Give Thanks Unto the Lord
22. Psalm 8: O Lord Our Governer
23. Psalm 34: I Will Always Give Thanks Unto the Lord
24. Psalm 103: O Sing Unto the Lord
25. Praise the Lord My Soul (Psalm 103)
26. Psalm 92: It Is a Good Thing to Give Thanks
27. Psalm 65: Thou O God Art Praised in Sion
28. Psalm 29: Ascribe Unto the Lord
29. Psalm 149: O Sing Unto the Lord a New Song
30. Psalm 113: Praise the Lord Ye Servants
31. Psalm 107: O Give Thanks Unto the Lord
32. Psalm 147: O Praise the Lord (Lobet Den Herr)
33. Psalm 33: Rejoice in the Lord
34. O Give Thanks Unto the Lord (Psalm No. 136), for Chorus
35. Psalm 67: God Be Merciful Unto Us and Bless Us
36. Psalm 97: The Lord Is King, the Earth May Be Glad
37. Psalm 99: The Lord Is King
38. Psalm 100 for Chorus & Organ, "O Be Joyful in the Lord All Ye Lands"
39. Psalm 150: O Praise God in His Holiness, for Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 27
40. I Cried Unto the Lord with My Voice (Psalm No. 142), for Chorus
41. Lord, Thou Art Become Gracious Unto Thy Land (Psalm No. 85), for Chorus
42. When I Was in Trouble, I Called Upon the Lord (Psalm No. 120), for Chorus
43. Unto Thee, O Lord, Will I Lift Up My Soul (Psalm No. 25), for Chorus
44. Hear My Crying, O God (Psalm No. 61), for Chorus
45. Lord, Remember David (Psalm No. 132), for Chorus
46. Psalm 70 "Haste Thee, O God, to Deliver Me", for Chorus & Organ
47. Out of the Deep Have I Called Unto Thee, O Lord (Psalm No. 130), for Chorus
48. O Lord, Rebuke Me Not, Anthem for 2 Sopranos, Chorus & Organ, Z. 40
49. Psalm 42 "Quemadmodum" Verses 1-5 (Wesley) Verses 6-7 (Anon.) Verses 8-13 (Wesley) Verses 14-End) (Anon.) (From St. Paul Psalter)
50. Psalm 43 "Judica Me, Deus" Verses 1-4 (Wesley) Verses 5-6 (Anon.) Doxology (Wesley) (From St. Paul Psalter)
51. Have Mercy Upon Me, O God, After Thy Great Goodness (Psalm No. 51), for Chorus
52. O Hear Ye This, All Ye People (Psalm No. 49), for Chorus & Organ
53. Save Me, O God (Psalm No. 69), for Chorus
54. By the Waters of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept (Psalm No. 137), for Chorus
55. Hear My Prayer, O Lord (Psalm No. 102), for Chorus
56. I Will Give Thanks Unto Thee, O Lord, with My Whole Heart (Psalm No. 138), for Chorus
57. How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, O Lord, Forever? (Psalm No. 13), for Chorus
58. Hear My Voice, O God, in My Prayer (Psalm No. 64), for Chorus
59. In the Lord Put I My Trust (Psalm No. 11), for Chorus
60. Blessed Is He Whose Unrighteousness Is Forgiven (Psalm No. 32), for Chorus

Psalms to Live By - One of the most eloquent forms of sacred music is Anglican Psalmody which came into it's own in the nineteenth century. Since then, it has become one of the most beloved sources of meditation in English parish churches and cathedrals as well as here in America. Gloriae Dei Cantores has re-released a three album set of a selection of psalms that range in emotion from personal sorrow to grateful elation. These are performed in the superb acoustic of Gloriae Dei Cantores' home, the Church of the Transfiguration in Orleans, MA. In their early years, Gloriae Dei Cantores trained under Dr. George Guest, for many years the music director of the choir of St. John's College, Cambridge, England. As a gift to the choir, Dr. Guest gave a copy of his own psalter, with his own interpretations and this forms the basis of these albums. Also heard is the EM Skinner organ of the church, with it's multifaceted and poetic colors beautifully supporting the chant. This set is a marvelous opportunity for prayer and meditation. Along with the sound of the psalms, there are written meditations which guide the listener through the many emotions of the psalms.

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