Post-Screen Through Virtual Reality, Holograms and Light Projections : Where Screen Boundaries Lie, Hardcover by Ng, Jenna, ISBN 9463723544, ISBN-13 9789463723541, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

1) It offers a new critical viewpoint for understanding the contemporary (post-) media world which would appeal to anyone interested in media and imaging technologies, coupled with diverse examples aimed at appealing to a wide audience. 2) It taps into widespread interest in and excitement about cutting-edge display technologies such as VR, holographic projections and projection mapping (used in contexts as varied as politics, concerts, celebrity interviews, advertising, art displays and publicity events and across many parts of the world, particularly Asia), all of which has as yet received relatively littl-length attention. 3) It extends our theorisation about screens, which is needed scholarship not only in terms of its relative absence in the literature but also in view of today's phenomenon of ubiquitous screens and the ways in which screen technologies are pushing users' engagement with images. This is becoming particularly prominent with virtual and augmented reality, as evidenced by Fac Reality Labs's latest announcement in their Oculus Connect 6 conference event over 25 and 26 September 2019 on AR glasses and full-body avatars in 3D virtual environments. As these technologies develop, the fluidities, materialities and agencies of screens and images, and their conjoining relationship, are set to become even more complex. In presenting the postimage, this book lays out vanguard thinking with which we may contemplate these fast-materialising technological visions. Screens are ubiquitous today. Yet contemporary screen media eliminate the presence of the screen and diminish the visibility of its boundaries. As the image becomes indistinguishable from the viewer’s surroundings, this unsettling prompts of how screen boundaries demarcate. Through readings of three media forms – Virtual Reality; holograms; and light projections – this book develops new theories of the surfaces on and spaces in which images are displayed. Interrogating contemporary contestations of reality against illusion, it argues that the disappearance of difference reflects shifted conditions of actuality and virtuality in understanding the human condition. These shifts further connect to the current state of politics by way of their distorted truth values, corrupted terms of information, and internalizations of difference. <cite>The Through Virtual Reality, Holograms and Light Projections</cite> thus thinks anew the image’s borders and delineations, evoking the screen boundary as an instrumentation of today’s intense virtualizations which do not tell the truth. In the process, a new imagination for images emerges for a gluttony of the virtual; for new conceptualizations of object and representation, materiality and energies, media and histories, real and unreal; for new understandings of appearances, dis-appearances, replacement and – <cite>the post-screen</cite>.