
[三井丹丘 Mitsui Tankyu]
A painter and doctor from the middle and late Edo period. Ise student. Child of Hisahide Mitsui. His given name was Jusho and Isao, his characters were Hakugo, Zikan, and Bunkan, his common names were Kenshō, Kenji, and Kenshi, and his other names were Shibazono, Jibesai, and Amamoriie. He practiced medicine, studied painting under Shikiyo Tanigawa, and drew portraits of his master, earning him the nickname Taiga Ise. Passed away in Bunka 8 (1811) at the age of 83.

[鍾馗 Shoki]
A Taoist god passed down in Chinese folklore. In Japan, it is said to be effective in warding off smallpox and in achieving academic success, and paintings and dolls are dedicated to it during Boys' Festivals. In addition, the image of Shoki is said to have the effect of warding off evil spirits, and is displayed as flags, folding screens, and hanging scrolls, and statues of Shoki are placed on roofs. Zhong Kui originally existed in China during the Tang Dynasty, when Xuanzong, the sixth emperor of the Tang Dynasty, contracted malaria, Zhong Kui appeared in his dream and exterminated the demon. Afterwards, there is an anecdote that he came to be worshiped as a god that warded off evil spirits and pestilence because of his healing properties. The iconography of Zhong Kui always shows him with a long beard, wearing the costume of a Chinese official, holding a sword, and glaring at something with large eyes.

The condition is standard considering the age.
There are stains, creases, creases, damage to the main paper, and insect damage.

overall size:H193x W57(cm)
Axle tip: wood
Weight: g