NAA is a synthetic plant hormone in the auxin family horticultural products; it is a rooting agent and used for the vegetative propagation of plants from stem and leaf cuttings. It is also used for plant tissue culture.
Features: Promote cutting, transplanting, seedling rooting, increase survival rate, improve root vigor, and promote root development.
A: regulate growth, stimulate plants, rooting and germination, 1g +1kg water
B: Inducing flowering, prolonging flowering, delaying fruit ripening, promoting fruit tree fruiting 1g+10 kg warter
C: cutting to increase the survival rate, 1g +1kg water, soaked plant roots or Cutting immersed 2-3cm deep, soak for 30 seconds.

Weight: 5g
Purity: 20%
Application: Promote plant growth
Name: Naphthylacetic
Classification: Plant fertilizer
MF: C12H10O2
Use: 1g +1~10kg water

Package includes: 1 bag
