This lively, learned excursion through Italys greatest sights combines art, adventure, and fascinating social history. Three centuries ago, young British aristocrats completed their education with a Grand Tour of Europe. This 10-part series recreates those formative trips, examining the finest works by Michelangelo, Raphael, and other Italian masters and exploring 18th-century manners and mores. Host Brian Sewells impeccably dry wit, fearless commentary, and racy historical gossip enliven every stop. Like all Athena releases, this four-volume set comes packed with extras and provides an authoritative, entertaining experience for lifelong learning. Review ...Informative, original, and damn funny to boot. --The new imprint Athena... this imprint specializes in documentaries, and the ones I have seen so far have been nothing short of outstanding. This label is going to go far. -- Blogger News Network